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Imperial Library
Entry 1: Nine Lives
Entry 2: A Hard Right
Entry 3: Fox and the Hound
Entry 4: Remember the Alamo
Entry 5: Running the Gauntlet
Entry 6: Tracked from Above
Entry 7: Shut Up and Drive
Entry 8: Fish in a Barrel
Entry 9: We Tried Asking You Nicely
Entry 10: Gateway to the San Luis Valley
Entry 11: Now That’s a Big Hole
Entry 12: The Havasupai
Entry 13: Flight of the Valkyries
Entry 14: Spray and Pray
Entry 15: Out of the Frying Pan…
Entry 16: Seriously?
Entry 17: At What Cost
Entry 18: By the Glow of the Neon Lights
Entry 19: Roadside Assistance
Entry 20: Recon
Entry 21: Straight Shot
Entry 22: Ricochet
Entry 23: Bat out of Hell
Entry 24: Thunderstruck
Entry 25: Motel 6
Entry 26: Counting Coup
Entry 27: Deep Blue Moat
Entry 28: Patience is a Virtue
Entry 29: Improvise, Overcome, Adapt
Entry 30: The Geneva What?
Entry 31: Ready, Fire, Aim…
Entry 32: Winging It
Entry 33: The Flood Tunnels
Entry 34: A Madman’s Marathon
Entry 35: Welcome to the Luxor
Entry 36: The Sixth Floor
Entry 37: I Miss Hitting Snooze
Entry 38: Hello?
Entry 39: Convoy
Entry 40: The Base Inside the Base
Entry 41: Into the Pit
Entry 42: The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday
Entry 43: Not Dead Yet
Entry 44: We Have a Winner!
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