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Citrix XenServer 6.0 Administration Essential Guide
Citrix XenServer 6.0 Administration Essential Guide
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1. Introducing XenServer Resource Pools
XenServer resource pool overview
XenServer resource pool requirements
Creating a XenServer resource pool
Creating a heterogeneous XenServer resource pool
Designating a new pool master host
Removing a XenServer host from a resource pool
Preparing a XenServer host for maintenance
Licensing XenServer
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2. Managing User Authentication
User management overview
Authenticating users with Active Directory
Understanding Active Directory authentication
Enabling Active Directory authentication on a pool
Disabling Active Directory Authentication
User authentication
Removing access for a user using the CLI
Role Based Access Control overview
Roles and Permissions
Definitions of RBAC Roles and Permissions
Calculating RBAC roles
Assigning roles to users and groups
Assigning or changing a role to a user or group
3. Managing Storage Repositories
Storage overview
Storage technologies and protocols
Direct Attached Storage
Storage Area Network (SAN)
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Storage protocols
Network File System (NFS)
Fibre Channel (FC)
Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
Storage in XenServer
Storage Repository (SR)
Virtual Disk Images (VDIs)
Storage attributes
Physical Block Devices (PBDs)
Virtual Block Devices (VBDs)
Creating Storage Repositories
Creating a Storage Repository
Creating a new NFS VHD Storage Repository
Creating a new software iSCSI Storage Repository
Creating a new hardware HBA Storage Repository
Creating a new StorageLink Repository
Creating a new ISO Storage Repository
Managing Storage Repositories
Reattaching an SR
Adding a Storage Repository
Storage multipathing
Enabling multipathing
4. Creating Virtual Machines
Overview of virtual machines
XenServer Tools
Overview of virtual machines creation
Using VM templates
Converting a physical machine to virtual
Importing an exported VM
Cloning an existing VM
Creating virtual machines
Creating a Windows virtual machine
Installing the XenServer Tools package
Creating a Windows virtual machine using xe CLI
Creating a Windows machine
Renaming the virtual disk
Resizing the disk
Installing a DVD drive on a virtual machine
5. Managing Virtual Machines
Managing virtual machines
Cloning a virtual machine
Creating a template
Importing and exporting virtual machines
Open Virtualization Format (OVF)
Importing a virtual machine from an OVF/OVA package
Importing disk images
Importing VMs from XVA
Exporting a virtual machine
Converting a physical machine
Managing vApps
Creating a vApp
Importing and exporting a vApp
6. Managing XenServer and Virtual Machine Memory
XenServer memory overview
Virtual machine memory overview
Understanding Dynamic Memory Control
Managing virtual machine memory
7. Managing XenServer Networking
XenServer networking
Initial network configuration
Networking and XenServer Pools
Network types
Managing networking
Changing networking configuration
Adding and modifying virtual networks
Configuring management interfaces
Managing VLANs
Connecting a virtual machine to a VLAN
Managing bonds
Active/Active bonding
Active/Passive bonding
Creating an NIC Bond
Distributed vSwitch Controller overview
Deploying the Distributed vSwitch Controller
Managing the Distributed vSwitch Controller
Viewing the status of a Distributed vSwitch Controller
Address and virtual machine groups
Managing Access Control List rules
Setting Port Configuration Policies
8. Managing High Availability and Snapshots
Overview of High Availability
Setting restart priorities
Configuring High Availability
Managing host and virtual machines with High Availability
Shutting down or rebooting a host with HA enabled
Shutting down a protected VM
Managing snapshots
Working with snapshots
Creating a snapshot
Restoring a VM to a previous state
Deleting a snapshot
Creating a template from a snapshot
Creating a virtual machine from a snapshot
Exporting a snapshot
9. Protecting and Monitoring XenServer
Overview of backup and virtual machine protection
Backing up your XenServer environment
Restoring from failures
Protection and recovery of virtual machines
Creating a VM protection policy
Managing VM protection policies
Assigning a VM to an existing VM protection policy
Recovering a virtual machine from snapshots
Overview of Workload Balancing
Installing Workload Balancing Virtual Appliance
Configuring Workload Balancing
Managing Workload Balancing settings
Adjusting Optimization Mode
Adjusting Workload Balancing automation
Changing Critical Thresholds and Metric Weightings
Excluding hosts from recommendations
Controlling automated recommendations
Monitoring performances with Workload Balancing
Generating reports
Chargeback Utilization Analysis
Host Health History
Pool Optimization Performance History
Pool Audit Trail
Pool Health
Pool Health History
Pool Optimization History
Virtual Machine Motion History
Virtual Machine Performance History
A. Supported Guest Operating Systems and Virtual Machine Templates
Overview of supported guest virtual machines
Virtual machine templates
B. Applying Updates and Hotfixes
Applying a hotfix or update using XenCenter
Applying a hotfix or update using the command line
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