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Title Page
The Psychology of Tantra
Awaking Your Potential
The Origin of Tantra
What Is the Aim
The Principle Unity: Shiva and Shakti
Tantric Transformation
Steps to Spiritual Evolution
Music, Dance, and Mediation
The Tantric Circle of Energy
The Cosmic Tremor
Consciousness and Energy
Growth through Direct Experience
To Be an Individual
The Origin of Internal Conflicts: Feeling or Thinking?
The Power of the Goddess
Advice for Harmony in a Couple
Tantric Principles
The New Tantric Beatitudes
Kundalini and the Chakras
Kundalini: The Psychosexual Energy
Knowledge and Handling of Energy
The Truth about Sexual Energy
Activating Energy
The Three Main Nadis
The Chakras
The Coming and Going of Energy
The Seven Energetic Bodies of the Human Being
The Chakras
Energy and Thought
Magic Energy: A Double-Edged Sword
Handling and Transmutation of Energy
How to Bring Energy to the Chakras
The Attack on the Fourth Chakra
The Secrets of Sex
Path to Unity
The Mystery of Desire
Female Orgasm and Ejaculation
For Him: Orgasm without Ejaculation
What to Do with the Energy
“Big Bang”: The Cosmic Orgasm?
Fear of Sex
Sexual Repression
Psychic Protection
The G-Spot
Erotic Fantasies
Couples and Thirds
Oral Sex
Sexual Alchemy
Pleasure, Joy, and Celebration
The Moral, the Good, and the Bad
Energetic Exercises
The Elevation of Energy
The Art of Conscious Breathing
Awakening the Kundalini
Daily Plan
Moon Salutation
Sun Salutation
Yoga in Pairs
Hatha Yoga: Friend of Tantra
Poses and Counterposes
Exchange of Energy
Nineteen Basic Poses for Couples
Tantric Dances
The Dance of the Universe
Instrument of Consciousness
Magic Drums
To Breathe and to Feel
Dance of the Tantric Principles
Dance of Energy, Seated
Dance of the Five Elements
Dance of the Chakras
Dance of the Buddha
Dance of Shiva and Shakti
To Elevate the Kundalini
Dance of the Tiger
Tantric Food
Intelligent Eating
The Danger of Dieting
The Inner Flame
Yin and Yang Foods
Tantric Recipes for Maithuna
Meditation: The Fire that Lights the Way
What Is Meditation?
Throwing the Trash Out of the Mind, or the Mind Out in the Trash?
Without Emotion and without Mind
Inner Space
Seeking Eternity
Tantric Sadhana
Purification of the Body
Awakening the Senses
Connecting with the Elements
Cleansing and Silencing the Mind
Eliminating Negative Emotions
Intensifying Positive Attitudes toward Life
Exchange of Foot Massages
Heart Connection
Healing the Chakras
Elevating the Kundalini
The Cosmic Eight
The Boat of Love
The Wave
Healing the Chakras
Awakening Your Sexual Energy
Strengthening the PC Muscle
The Great Spiral
The Thirty-Six Tatwas
The Magic Mirror
Observing the Flame of a Candle
Tantra before Making Love
The Kama Sutra
The Wisdom of Desire
Do You Make Love or Does Love Make You?
Differences between “Natural” and “Obscene”
The Ritual Bath
The Yoga of Sleep
Lovemaking Positions
Advanced Positions of the Kama Sutra
Maithuna: The Magical Sexual Act
Steps to Ecstasy
The Order of the Ritual
Shiva and Shakti
Five Ways to Kiss
The Abrupt Path and the Way of the Valley
What Happens with Energy in the Body?
When to Stop?
When Does the Man Ejaculate?
The Gods Love Each Other Consciously . . . and Conscious Lovers become Gods!
Use of Sexual Magic
Magic with the Full Moon
Magic with the Sun
Magic with Fire
Exercises in Sacred Sexuality
Tantric Rituals
Ritual of Shiva and Shakti
Ritual of the Sun and the Full Moon
Ritual of Prosperity and Abundance
Ritual of Kundalini
Ritual of the Goddess Kali
Ritual of the Magic Circle: Chakra Puja
Ritual of the Mirror
If the Entire World Practiced Tantra
Final Comments
About the Author
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