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Introduction Furry Physics
Worms without the wormholes
1 Heat: The Warm-up Chapter
It’s getting hot in here
Great garters
All of a slither
Reptiles in the bag
Snakes and ladders
The heat is on
Get a move on
Twist ’n’ shake
Fur enough
The dog’s body
Let’s go for a spin
On a roll
Shaken not stirred
Radiate to accumulate
A nice hot drink
Red red whine
Dangerous liaisons
Serve chilled
Sting in the tail
You shall go to the ball
Social whirl
A tail tale
Snake, rattle and roll
Slide to it
Showdown time
Flagging the danger
Squirrelling away
Beetle drive
Light my fire
Hot-footing it
The heat, the heat
Ear’s the answer
Sensitive type
Heat in short
2 Forces: The Big Push
Here be dragons
Light bite
Monster force
Poisonous smile
Reptiles lost
A weighty problem
Dodging raindrops
Never rains but it pours
Raindrops keep falling on my head
Drop dead gorgeous
Join the club
The need for speed
Blowing bubbles
Little smasher
Shelling out
Fastest loser
Shut your trap
A sticky customer
Sticking around
What a feeling
Singing in the rain
Hang on
Sticking point
3 Fluids: When Things Get Stickier
Walking miracles
Fluid thinking
A tense affair
Get your skates on
The cat on the lap
Lapping it up
You little copycat
Going with the flow
Numbers game
Slowly does it
The slow-food revolution
Air your thoughts
The bee team
Flight of the bumblebee
We have lift-off
Fixed thinking
All in a flip-flap
To bee or not to bee
Smoke signals
Virtuous spiral
The bee’s knees
The f(l)ight of the fossil-hunters
Them bones them bones
Time to ptero-soar
The right angle?
All in the wrist
Fluids on the brain
4 Sound: Good Vibrations
Sounds good
We’re going to the zoo
Spooky sensations
Out to bat
Ear we go
I just called...
Attenuate, attenuate
Snaking through the sand
A jaw of two halves
Going underground
Feeling those vibrations
Did the Earth move?
Bush telegraph
Hear hear
Hearing high and low
Parks and recreation
Sounds fishy
Softly, softly
A sound summary
5 Electricity and Magnetism: Let the Sparks Fly
Living in electric dreams
R-eel-y scary
Current thinking
Zap! Pow!
Let the field be with you
Blooming marvellous
Busy bees
Buzzers ready
A hairy business
Who’s in charge?
Charging ahead
Magnetic attraction
Shelling out
What he tort-us
Richard the Ironheart?
Home, sweet home
Flipping marvellous
Iron man?
Meet the quantum mechanics
Quantum wonderland
Surface thinking
When two become one
6 Light: A Final Physics Fandango
Getting antsy
The ant doctor
From ants to bees
Blue-sky thinking
Light relief
Back to bee-sics
Ants on stilts
A spot of colour
Bird’s eye view
Nest egg
Watch the birdie
All agape
Are you (super)normal?
Reflections on water
Bend it like Snell
Spitting out the solution
Fishing for results
Into the red
Reddy steady go
Travelling light
Trawling for results
Digging deep
Squids in
What big eyes you have, Grandma
A whale of a time
Light rain
Time to squidaddle
A light round-up
Conclusion Life, the Universe and Everything
A life of physics
Inspired by nature
Knowing me, knowing you
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