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Imperial Library
Title Page
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
List of Contributors
Andrew Hadfield
Part I Translation, Education, And Literary Criticism
1. Englishing Eloquence: Sixteenth-Century Arts of Rhetoric and Poetics
Catherine Nicholson
2. All Talk and No Action? Early Modern Political Dialogue
Cathy Shrank
3. Commonplacing and Prose Writing: William Baldwin and Robert Burton
Jennifer Richards
4. Romance: Amadis de Gaule and John Barclay’s Argenis
Helen Moore
5. Montaigne and Florio
Peter Mack
6. Italianate Tales: William Painter and George Pettie
Neil Rhodes
7. Classical Translation
Gordon Braden
8. Lazarillo de Tormes and the Picaresque in Early Modern England
Alexander Samson
Part II Prose Fiction
9. William Baldwin’s Beware the Cat and Other Foolish Writing
Thomas Betteridge
10. The Adventures Passed by Master George Gascoigne: Experiments in Prose
Gillian Austen
11. ‘Turne Your Library to a Wardrope’: John Lyly and Euphuism
Katharine Wilson
12. Robert Greene
R. W. Maslen
13. Nashe’s Stuff
Jason Scott-Warren
14. Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia
Gavin Alexander
15. Topicality in Mary Wroth’s Countess of Montgomery’s Urania: Prose Romance, Masque, and Lyric 235
Mary Ellen Lamb
Part III Varieties of Early Modern Prose 1: Public Prose
16. Utopia and Utopianism
Robert Appelbaum
17. English Scientific Prose: Bacon, Browne, Boyle
Claire Preston
18. Richard Hakluyt
Nandini Das
19. Raphael Holinshed and Historical Writing
Bart Van Es
20. Astrology, Magic, and Witchcraft
P. G. Maxwell-Stuart
21. Jest Books
Ian Munro And Anne Lake Prescott
22. Political Prose
Nicholas McDowell
23. Modes of Satire
Dermot Cavanagh
24. News Writing
Joad Raymond
Part IV Varieties of Early Modern Prose 2: Private Prose
25. Letters
Alan Stewart
26. Diaries
Adam Smyth
27. Life Writing
Danielle Clarke
28. Essays
Paul Salzman
29. Domestic Manuals and the Power of Prose
Catherine Richardson
Part V Religious Prose
30. Immethodical, Incoherent, Unadorned: Style and the Early Modern Bible
Kevin Killeen
31. The Style of Authorship in John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments
Thomas S. Freeman and Susannah Brietz Monta
32. The Marprelate Controversy
Joseph L. Black
33. Sermons
Peter McCullough
34. The Book of Common Prayer
Daniel Swift
35. Richard Hooker’s Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie
Rudolph P. Almasy
Part VI Major Prose Writerss
36. Gabriel Harvey
H. R. Woudhuysen
37. John Knox, George Buchanan, and Scots Prose
Caroline Erskine
38. Robert Burton and The Anatomy of Melancholy
Angus Gowland
39. ‘When all things shall confesse their ashes’: Science and Soul in Thomas Browne
Kevin Killeen
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