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Share 101 Careers in Education
I Introduction to a Career in Education
1. What Is a Career in Education?
2. Linking Talents and Passions to Careers in Education
II Careers in Schools: Serving All Students
3. Careers Working in Early Childhood Education
1. Preschool Teacher
2. Head Start Teacher
3. Early Childhood Classroom Consultant
Educator Profile: Kerry Frawley
4. Home Visitor
5. Parent Educator
4 Careers Working in K–12 Schools
6. Kindergarten Teacher
7. Second-Grade Teacher
Educator Profile: Erin DiPerna
8. Fifth-Grade Teacher
9. Elementary School Counselor
10. Elementary School Library Media Assistant
Educator Profile: Cindy Clement
11. Middle School Math Teacher
12. Middle School Science Teacher
13. Middle School Language Arts Teacher
14. Middle School Foreign Language Teacher
Educator Profile: Karen Wallace
15. Middle School Technology Teacher
16. Advanced Placement Calculus Teacher
17. Economics Teacher
18. High School Art Teacher
Educator Profile: Derek J. Carlson
19. High School Physics Teacher
20. High School Physical Education Teacher
21. High School Psychology Teacher
22. Advanced Placement English Literature Teacher
Educator Profile: Marianne Forman
23. High School Performing Arts Director
24. High School Band/Orchestra Director
5. Careers Working in Postsecondary Education
25. Teaching Assistant, College of Education
Educator Profile: Erin Seif
26. Graduate Assistant, College of Education
27. Lecturer
28. Technical College Instructor
29. Adjunct Professor
Educator Profile: My Lien
30. Tenure-Track Professor
31. Career Counselor
32. University Librarian
Educator Profile: Julie Fricke
6. Part-Time Careers in Education
33. Substitute Teacher
34. High School Coach
Educator Profile: Mike Van Antwerp
35. Activities Director
36. Student Council Advisor
37. Grant Writer
38. Tutor
III Careers in Schools: Serving Special Populations
7. Careers Working With Students With Special Needs
39. Early Intervention Specialist
40. Early Childhood Special Education Teacher
41. Paraprofessional—Autism Spectrum Disorder
Educator Profile: Michelle Carlson
42. Reading Specialist
43. Special Education Teacher—Autism Spectrum Disorder
44. Special Education Teacher—High-Incidence Disabilities: Resource/Inclusion
45. Special Education Teacher—Low-Incidence Disabilities
46. Special Education Teacher—Emotional Impairment
Educator Profile: Sheila Nash
47. Adapted Physical Education Teacher
48. Music/Art Therapist
49. Interpreter for the Hearing Impaired
50. English as a Second Language Teacher
Educator Profile: Mary Lou Turnbull
51. Bilingual Teacher
52. Overseas English Teacher
8. Careers Working Within Systems of Care for Students With Disabilities
53. Occupational/Physical Therapist
54. Response-to-Intervention Coordinator
55. School Psychologist
Educator Profile: John S. Carlson
56. School Social Worker
57. Speech and Language Pathologist
58. Gifted and Talented Coordinator
59. Educational Diagnostician
IV Careers in Schools: Serving Groups and Systems
9. Careers Working in Educational Administration and Leadership
60. Preschool Director
61. Mental Health Coordinator
Educator Profile: Marta Kermiet
62. Head Start Health Manager
63. Day-Care Owner
64. School Principal
65. After-School Coordinator
66. Superintendent of Schools
Educator Profile: Richard L. Carlson
67. Director of Special Services
68. Director of Curriculum/Instructional Services
69. College/University Dean
70. Writing Center Director
71. Director of Admissions
72. University Athletic Director
Educator Profile: Don Maslinski
73. Office of Student Disabilities—Student Support Provider
74. Study-Abroad Coordinator
75. Career Counselor
V Careers in Education: Nontraditional Positions
10. Education-Related Careers in Community, Industry, and Government Settings
76. Religious Education Teacher
77. Summer Camp Counselor
78. Camp Director
Educator Profile: Kathy Jurichko
79. Prison Educator
80. Adult Educator
81. Health Educator
82. Educational Consultant/Professional Coach
Educator Profile: Regina Carey
83. Test Publisher
84. Corporate Trainer
85. Test Preparation Center Director
86. Book Editor
87. Historian
Educator Profile: Chad Carlson
88. Archivist
89. Science Museum Educator
90. Art Museum Education Director
91. National Parks Guide/Interpreter
92. Human Resource Manager
Educator Profile: Shelly Carlson
11. Careers Pertaining to Web-Based Learning and Educational Technology
93. Online Learning (High School Teacher)
94. School Technology Specialist
95. Chief Technology and Information Officer
Educator Profile: Diane Doersch
96. Web Designer
97. Instructional Designer
98. Online Degree Coordinator (University)
99. Multimedia Coordinator
100. E-Learning Developer
101. Educational Design Studio Director
Educator Profile: John Bell
VI The Future of Education
12. Professional Development and Career Growth
13. The Job-Search Process: Resources and Approaches
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