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Imperial Library
Title Page
Chronology of Reigns
Part One: The Middle Ages
1: Castles, Lords and Chatelaines
2: Cottagers and Peasants
3: Plague and Revolt
4: Churches, Monks and Friars
5: Drinking and Playing
6: Wayfarers and Pilgrims
7: Tournaments, Pageants and Miracles
8: Town Life
9: Daughters and Wives
10: Pupils and Masters
11: Scholars and Students
12: Crime and Punishment
13: Doctors and Patients
Part Two: The Ages of Shakespeare and Milton
14: Villagers, Vagrants and Vagabonds
15: Priests, Parishioners and Recusants
16: Country Houses and Country People
17: Animals and Sportsmen
18: Readers and Music Makers
19: Clothes and Class
20: Citizens, Masters and Journeymen
21: Women and Children
22: Actors and Playgoers
23: ‘Whole Counties Became Desperate’
24: Schoolboys and Schoolgirls
25: Undergraduates and Tutors
26: ‘Roasted Chickens – Pease – Lobsters – Strawberries’
Part Three: From Defoe to Cobbett
27: ‘A Tour thro’ the Whole Island’
28: Countrymen, Clergymen and Farmers
29: Country Houses and Gardens
30: Interiors
31: Manners and Dress
32: Travellers, Postmen and Innkeepers
33: Hunters, Poachers and Smugglers
34: Pastimes and Pleasures
35: Marriage and Divorce
36: Sex
37: Theatres and Shows
38: Quacks, Diseases and Cures
39: Operators and Tooth-drawers
40: ‘Youth are Expeditiously Instructed’
41: Universities, Academies and the Grand Tour
42: Masters and Workers
43: Clothworkers and Machine-breakers
44: Rick-burners, Paupers and Chartists
45: Below Stairs
46: Shops and Shopping
47: Pedlars and Markets
Part Four: From the Victorians to Modern Times
48: Owners of the Land
49: Dressing, Smoking and Social Rank
50: Workers on the Land
51: Towns, Factories and Public Health
52: Mines, Brickfields and Sweat-shops
53: ‘No One Knows the Cruelty’
54: Middle Classes and Class Distinctions
55: Leisure Hours
56: The Flesh and the Spirit
57: Passengers and Drivers
58: Law and Order
59: Homes and Holidays
60: Wars and Aftermaths
Index of Names
Index of Subjects
Author’s Note
A Note on Money
About the Author
About the Publisher
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