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Imperial Library
Title Page
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In the beginning
The theory of small bites
A tree falls unnoticed
Social butterfly
A little doll girl
Married the vida loca
Kate Moss does some damage
I was at the pub he said
Inner child
Breakfast in London, supper in Paris
Eating by numbers
The admitted absence of morality
Fat is a family issue
Bingeing her way to recovery
The fashion mag hag
Wear it like it fits
What would Jesus eat?
Being Gandhi isn’t easy
Hungry ducks in a row
A Hollywood miss is as big as a mile
The importance of planning
Just a normal girl
The art of snacking
Naturally thin means fun, naturally
Fat Janet and Thin Lisa
Mathew’s crusts
Vanessa, the alien supermodel
A fat day and new friends
Messages from the body
I eat
Gay boys dress straight girls
A rolling stone is a fat, round thing
Waist not, want not
The goddess Isis
Brit does her celeb homework
Designs on food
This is how I deal
Requesting an exorcism, please
Barbie’s angry in pink
A candy cane for support
A hunka’ burnin’ trouble
Madison’s back
Blame the Dave Matthews Band
The Flash Gordon effect
Jack Sprat could eat no fat
Twice a week, missionary position
A cactus and a note
Eating disorders are exhausting
Out of the mouth of babes
Peace, out
Heart-shaped, with silver writing
Sunday, ravenous Sunday
Thin Lisa’s basement meltdown
Princess Isis and the life coach
We eat, we drink
Hello, mommy
Setting the record straight
Prince Charming
Considering bulimic housekeepers
They came, they destroyed, they left
Mathew tries to be kind
So, it’s not just me
Cleopatra & Isis, goddess & princess
War games
Investigating sacred hearts
I invite Clarissa to be a friend
Running with the predators
The state of the starved soul
Anne Carmichael Pondicherry
A bit all over the place
Potential employers
A week before my birthday
Natural born glutton
Beyond the birthday
The myth of Hollywood women
Making your water happy
Porky little star
I am not anything
You’re too fat
Clarissa said
Wooden daisies
Where we are
Somewhat better
Madison’s gift
Day one, hell
The two me’s get together
I feel optimistic
Will the day ever end?
The second day of hell
The end, the beginning
My happy-ever-after
About the Author
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