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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Overview: Caffeine Encounters
Prologue: The Discovery of Caffeine
Part 1: Caffeine In History
1: Coffee: Arabian Origins
Coffee As Materia Medica: The First Written References
The Coffee Drinkers That Never Were: Fabulous Ancient References to Coffee
Coffee to Coffeehouses: Marqaha and the Slippery Slope
Travelers’ Tales: Visitors to the Yemen, Constantinople, Aleppo, and Cairo
Evolving from the Sludge: African and Arabian Preparations of Coffee
The Origin of the Word
2: Tea: Asian Origins
The Origin of the Word and the Drink
The Classic of Tea: Teaching Tea Tippling
The Forms of Tea: From Bricks to Powder
Tea and the Tao: Yin, Yang, and the Importance of a Balanced Diet
The Chinese Tea Ceremony: A Confluence of Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucian Streams
3: Cacao: American Origins
Pre-Columbian History of Chocolate
Montezuma II Meets Cortés
The Origins of the Words “Cacao” and “Chocolate”
Native Methods of Preparing Chocolate
Part 2: Europe Wakes Up to Caffeine
4: Monks and Men-At-Arms: Europe’s First Caffeine Connections
Chocolate Consumes the Spanish Court
Cacao Goes to Italy, France, Holland, England, Austria, Switzerland, and Returns Across the Atlantic
From Liquid to Solid: Eating Chocolate Comes of Age
5: The Caffeine Trade Supplants the Spice Trade: Tea and Coffee Come to the West
Early Portuguese Explorers Encounter Tea
Early Ports of Arrival for Coffee and Tea: Venice, Marseilles, Amsterdam
Caffeine Gets the Pope’s Blessing: Acceptance In Italy
Early Coffee Stalls and Houses: Ottoman Customs Invade the West
From Then to Now: Café Procope and Other Regency Cafés
Austria: Kolschitzky’s Bean Bags Hit Vienna
Europeans Improve and Serve Turkish Coffee, Chinese Tea, and Indian Chocolate
6: The Late Adopters: Germany, Russia, and Sweden Join In
Germany Joins In: Beyond Beer Soup for Breakfast
Frederick the Great’s Campaign Against Coffee
Russia: Rallying Round the Samovar
Sweden Gives In to Coffee
7: Judgements of History: Medical Men Debate Caffeine
A Sobering View of Caffeine
German and Dutch Doctors Dispute About Coffee and Tea
Medical Disputes In Marseilles and the Rest of France
The Early English Health Debates
What Goes Around Comes Around: Harvey Puts Caffeine Into Circulation
Medical Debates: The Mid-Eighteenth Through the End of the Nineteenth Century
Benjamin Moseley, M.D., for the Defense
Hahnemann: The Hazards of Upsetting the Body’s Balance
John Cole, Esq.: The Dangers of Tea and Coffee
Les Cafêomanes: Honoré De Balzac and the Pleasures and Pains of Caffeine
8: Postscript: Why Did Caffeine Come When It Came?
Part 3: The Culture of Caffeine
9: Islands of Caffeine (1): Japan: The Tradition of Tea, the Novelty of Coffee
The Origin of Tea In Japan
Caffeine and Ceremony In the East: The Religion and Art of Chanoyu
Caffeine and Culture: Teaism, Teahouse, Tea Gardens, and the Manners, Art, and Architecture of Japan
Teaism Today and the Traditions of Japan
A Contrarian View: Urasenke, or the Church That Caffeine Built
Contemporary Caffeine: The Society and Commerce of Coffee Come to Japan
10: Island of Caffeine (2): England: Caffeine and Empire
Caffeine Comes to England: From Rumor to Reality
The Great Instauration: The Oxford Coffee Club and the Birth of the Royal Society
Early Coffeehouses: Penny Universities or Seminaries of Sedition?
Caffeine and the Crown: Charles II Bans Coffee and Catherine of Braganza Takes Tea
The Great Conversation: The Coffeehouses and the Writers of England
Teatime In England
Heroines of Caffeine: Mary Tuke Founds a Tea Dynasty, and Anna of Bedford Starts a Tea Tradition
Caffeine In Victorian and Contemporary England
11: The Endless Simmes: America and the Twentieth Century Do Caffeine
Amercia, Land of the Free—Refill
Bubbling Caffeine: The Hard Soft Drinks
Cola As Cultural Icon
The Buzz Beyond: Supercolas and Other High-Dose Caffeinated Soft Drinks
The Straight Dope: Vivarin, NoDoz, and Other Caffeine Pills
12: Caffeine Culture and Le Fin De Millénaire
Who’s Doing It: Caffeine Consumption Patterns
Baby Boomers and Caffeine
Generations X, Y, and Z and Caffeine
Brewings and Doings: Caffeine Mainstays and Curiosities
Spike Coffee—The Coffee for Caffeine Addicts
Caffeine and, Well, Water
Mixing Your Drinks: Caffeine and Alcohol
Carbonated Coffee
The Coffee Shop Connection—Keeping Them Off the Streets
Caffeine Currents: From Coffee to Tea?
Kopi Luak Coffee: Waste Not, Want Not
When Caffeine-Free Is Definitely Better for Your Health
When Is Caffeine Not Caffeine?
From Cyberspace to Outerspace to a Pretty Face: Caffeine On the Internet and Beyond
Part 4: The Natural History of Caffeine
13: Caffeine In the Laboratory
Caffeine and Chemistry
The Metabolism of Caffeine: From Cup to Bowl, or a Remembrance of Things Passed
Mechanism of Action: Caffeine Kicks In
Calcium Mobility Theory
Phosphodiesterase Inhibition: The cAMP Cycle of Energy Release
Adenosine Blockade: The Newest Theory On the Block
Paradoxes and Problems and Unanswered Questions
Where the Caffeine Is
What Is a Cup?
Soft Drinks
Over-The-Counter and Prescription Medications
Where the Theobromine and Theophylline Are
Extracting Caffeine: Industrial Processes and Mr. Wizard’s Laboratory
14: Caffeine and the Plant Kingdom: “My Vegetable Love…”
Why Plants Contain Caffeine
The Coffee Shrub (Genus Coffea)
The Tale of Gabriel d’Erchigny De Clieu and the Purloined Plant
Coffee Oddities and Curiosities
The Tea Bush: E Pluribus Unum (Camellia Sinensis)
Linnæus Brings Home the Tea: Osbek’s Trek and Other Tea Adventures
The Cultivation of Tea
The Cacao Tree (Theobroma Cacao)
Cacao Goes to Africa…and Beyond
Cacao and Caffeine
Maté (Yerba Maté, Ilex Paraguariensis); Cassina (Yaupon Holly, Ilex Vomitoria)
Cola (Cola Acuminata; Cola Nitida)
Guarana (Paullinia Cupana) and Yoco (Paullinia Yoco)
Caffeine’s Competitors: Coca, Khat, Ephedra, Betel, and Yohimbé
Part 5: Caffeine and Health
15: Caffeine and the Body: Health Effects, Reproductive Issues, and Fitness
Caffeine and the Cardiovascular System
Caffeine and Cholesterol, Heart Attacks, and Coronary Heart Disease
Caffeine and Hemostasis and Fibrinolysis
Caffeine and the Respiratory System
Caffeine and Cancer and Tumor Activity
Caffeine and Children and Young Adults
Caffeine and Drug Combinations and Counterfeits
The Other Methylxanthines: Theobromine and Theophylline
Caffeine and Birth Defects
Caffeine and Morphological Abnormalities
Caffeine and Non-Morphological Abnormalities: From Low Birthweight to Behavioral Dysfunction
Caffeine and Fertility
Caffeine and Weight Loss
Caffeine and Exercise and Athletic Performance: Is Caffeine an Ergogenic Aid?
16: Thinking Over Caffeine: Cognition, Learning, and Emotional Well-Being
Caffeine and Memory
Caffeine and Alertness
Is It All an Illusion? The Caffeine Chippie or the Hidden Need for Caffeine
Java Jitters or Caffeine Conniptions: Caffeine and Anxiety
Caffeine and Depression and Aggression
Caffeine and Sleep
17: Caffeine Dependence Intoxication and Toxicity
Physical Dependence and Withdrawal
Clinical Dependence Syndrome
Is Caffeine a Drug of Abuse?
Caffeine Intoxication: Too Much of a Good Thing
Can Caffeine Kill?
Epilogue: A Toast to the Future
Apppendix A: The London Coffeehouse During the Commonwealth and Restoration
Appendix B: Supplementary Tables
Appendix C: Additional Studies of Caffeine’s Physical Effects
Caffeine and the Cardiovascular System
Caffeine and Exercise: Good or Bad for Your Cardiovascular System?
Caffeine and the Digestive System: Ulcers and Upset Stomach
Caffeine and PMS
Caffeine and Osteoporosis
Caffeine and the Elderly
Caffeine and the Eyes
Caffeine and Nutrition
Summary of the Medical Applications of Caffeine
Caffeine and Relieving and Preventing Pulmonary Problems
Caffeine and Headaches and Pain Control
Caffeine and Setting the Circadian Clock
Caffeine and Weight Control
Caffeine and Low Blood Pressure
Caffeine and Athletic Performance
Caffeine and Skin Problems
Caffeine and Parkinson’s Disease
Appendix D: Methodological Pitfalls
Sample Selection
Confounding Variables
Chapter 1: Coffee
Chapter 2: Tea
Chapter 3: Cacao
Chapter 4: Monks and Men-At-Arms
Chapter 5: The Caffeine Trade Supplants the Spice Trade
Chapter 6: The Late Adopters
Chapter 7: Judgement of History
Chapter 8: Postscript
Part III: Introduction
Chapter 9: Islands of Caffeine(1)
Chapter 10: Island of Caffeine (2)
Chapter 11: The Endless Simmer
Chapter 12: Caffeine Culture and Le Fin De Millénaire
Chapter 13: Caffeine In the Laboratory
Chapter 14: Caffeine and the Plant Kingdom
Chapter 15: Caffeine and the Body
Chapter 16: Thinking Over Caffeine
Chapter 17: Caffeine Dependence Intoxication and Toxicity
Epilogue: A Toast to the Future
Appendix C: Additional Studies of Caffeine Physical Effects
Appendix D: Methodological Pitfalls
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