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Imperial Library
Title Page
About the Author
List of Figures
A Note on the Translation
Map of the Ancient Near East
Time Chart
Dramatis personae
1: The Standard Version of the Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: ‘He who saw the Deep’
Tablet I. The Coming of Enkidu
Tablet II. The Taming of Enkidu
Tablet III. Preparations for the Expedition to the Forest of Cedar
Tablet IV. The Journey to the Forest of Cedar
Tablet V. The Combat with Humbaba
Tablet VI. Ishtar and the Bull of Heaven
Tablet VII. The Death of Enkidu
Tablet VIII. The Funeral of Enkidu
Tablet IX. The Wanderings of Gilgamesh
Tablet X. At the Edge of the World
Tablet XI. Immortality Denied
Tablet XII. Appendix
2: Babylonian Texts of the Early Second Millennium BC
The Pennsylvania tablet: ‘Surpassing all other kings’ Tablet II
The Yale tablet: ‘Surpassing all other kings’ Tablet III
Another fragment in Philadelphia
The Nippur school tablet
The Tell Harmal tablets
The Ishchali tablet
A tablet in Baghdad, of unknown provenance
A tablet reportedly from Sippar
3: Babylonian Texts of the Late Second Millennium BC, from Sites in Babylonia
The Nippur exercise tablet
The Ur tablet
4: Babylonian Texts of the Late Second Millennium BC, from outside Babylonia
The fragments from Hattusa
The fragments from Emar
The Megiddo tablet
The Ugarit tablet
5: The Sumerian Poems of Gilgamesh
Bilgames and Akka: ‘The envoys of Akka’
Bilgames and Huwawa: ‘The lord to the Living One’s Mountain’ and ‘Ho, hurrah!’
Bilgames and the Bull of Heaven: ‘Hero in battle’
Bilgames and the Netherworld: ‘In those days, in those far-off days’
The Death of Bilgames: ‘The great wild bull is lying down’
Appendix: From Tablet to Translation
Further Reading
Publication of the Sources of the Babylonian Epic
Glossary of Proper Nouns
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