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Imperial Library
Edison's Conquest of Mars
Garrett P. Serviss
Chapter I.
Their Mysterious Explosive.
Thousands of Victims.
All Not Yet Destroyed.
A Startling Announcement.
The Martians Returning.
"We Are Ready for Them!"
Edison's Flying Machine.
A Trip to the Moon.
Gravity Overcome.
A Triumphant Test.
Telegraphing the News.
Chapter II.
A Wonderful Instrument.
Testing the "Disintegrator."
The Crow's Fate.
Bad for the Martians.
Disintegrating a Building.
Only a Cloud Remained.
The Yankees Lead.
A Grand Spectacle.
Universal Brotherhood.
Kaiser Wilhelm's Jealousy.
Over the Mississippi.
Back to Washington.
Chapter III.
The Sultan of Turkey.
An Unparallelled Scene.
McKinley's Tribute.
Edison to the Rescue.
An Enormous Sum.
A Thousand Million Dollars.
The Long Lost Treasure.
The Excitement in Washington.
A Chinese Legend.
The Grand Ball.
Unsurpassed Fireworks.
Queen Victoria Dances.
The Prince of Wales's Toast.
Haste to Embark.
Thousands of Men for Mars.
What's Happening on Mars?
Chapter IV.
Watching the Martians.
As the Great Napoleon Did.
To Conquer Another World.
Master Minds of the World.
A Novel Signal System.
Perpetual Night!
Terrific Cold Anticipated.
An Aerial Telegraph.
Magnificent Fireworks.
And the Earth Was Like a Globe.
Farewell To This Terrestrial Sphere.
Chapter V.
An Uncanny Effect.
Danger Manifests Itself.
Struck By A Meteor!
Nearing the Moon.
The Mountains of Luna.
A Dead And Mangled World.
The Moon's Strange and Ghastly Surface in Full View of Man.
Like a Human Face.
The Resemblance Disappears.
The Moon Was Inhabited.
Burying the Dead.
A Gigantic Human Footprint.
Detailing the Marvellous Adventures of the Earth's Warriors in Unknown Worlds.
The Great Footprint.
Expeditions Over the Moon.
The Glowing Mountains.
A Gigantic String Of Diamonds.
A Mountain of Crystals.
A Wealth of Gems.
Jewels from the Moon.
More Evidences of Habitation.
Giants in Size.
Departing from the Moon.
Chapter VI.
The Adventure With The Comet.
A Thrilling Story of an Encounter that Nearly Ended the Great Expedition.
In the Wake of the Comet.
Is This the End?
Giving Up All Hope.
A Flying Hell.
Saved on Ruin's Brink.
The Earth Again!
Thrilling Adventures Crowd Each Other In the Great War Upon Mars.
Unexpected Aid.
Over the Atlantic.
A Feeling of Shame.
A Short Stay on the Earth.
Mysterious Lights on Mars.
Greater Preparations Made.
Ten Miles A Second!
Drawing Near to Mars.
The Asteroid.
A Martian Appears!
The First Glimpse of the Horrible Inhabitants of the Red Planet.
Preparing to Land.
The Martians Recognize Us.
The Awful Heat Ray.
Another Ship Destroyed.
The Death-Dealing Martians Strike a Fearful Blow at the Earth's Warriors.
A Discouraging Beginning.
Vengeance the First Thing!
Chapter VII.
Ready with the Disintegrator.
A Strategic Advance.
Another Attack.
The Battle Commences.
The Disintegrator's Power.
A Telling Stroke.
A Terrible Scene.
The Gigantic Martian.
His Frightened Aspect.
The Martian's Rage.
Shall We Kill Him?
One of the Bellicose Martians Falls Into the Hands of the Worldians.
The Unconscious Martian.
Exploring the Planet.
Men Without Weight.
Stepping Into Space.
A Reckless Experiment.
Edison Always Prepared.
Weight, Five and a Quarter Ounces.
The Golden Asteroid!
The Precious Metal Discovered.
An Incredible Phenomenon.
Whence Came the Treasure?
Visions of Mighty Fortunes.
A Martian Civil War!
Discovery That the Asteroid is a Solid Mass of Gold.
The Martian Safely Bound.
Reason for Astonishment.
Richer Than the Klondike.
The Martian's Treasure Box.
The Mysterious Pellets.
Artificial Atmosphere.
Signals from a Ship.
The Martians Are Coming.
Chapter VIII.
Ready for the Enemy.
The Martians Cannot Stop.
The Martians Land.
A Speech from Their Leader.
Awed by the Disintegrator.
Martians and Terrestrians Fight a Terrible Battle.
The Martians Are Desperate.
A Ticklish Position.
The Electricians Lose Their Heads.
A Curious Effect.
Hunting for the Enemy.
The Disintegrators' Awful Effect.
The Deserter's Return.
Jumping Into Empty Space.
A Delightful Experience.
Mars, the Death-Dealing Planet, at Length at Hand!
Interesting Experiments.
A Message to the Earth.
Chapter IX.
All Aboard for Mars!
Difficulty in Starting.
Mars 6,000,000 Miles Away.
Learning the Martians' Language.
The Volapuk of Mars.
The Martian Speaks.
The Martian's Book.
The Prisoner Teaches.
Mars in Sight.
Mars Reached at Last—Thrilling Adventures.
Dense Clouds Appear.
The Martian Is Understood.
Cause for Anxiety.
A Hard Task Ahead.
The Martians a Mystery.
A Huge Airship.
More Stirring Adventures of Our Warriors Against Mars.
Escaping Danger.
Intimidated by the Enemy.
Chapter X.
Gigantic Vegetation.
Mars Passes Below Us.
Completing the Circuit.
The Great Smoke Cloud.
Our Warriors Find the Martians to Be Foes Worth Fearing.
Mars Wears Its War Mask.
The Stifling Smoke.
A Wonderful System.
Attempts to Attack Baffled.
Examining the Smoke.
Strategic Measures Employed.
Accident to the Stores.
We Must Act Quickly.
A Plan Arranged.
The Smoke Must Be Shattered.
The Blow—And Its Effect.
A Terrible Encounter.
The Martians and Our Warriors Fight a Battle to the Death.
Penetrating the Cloud.
The Martians' Artificial Day.
Devastating Our Army.
Chapter XI.
A Dash Into the Smoke.
Never Was Such a Conflict.
The Flagship Charmed!
Forced to Retreat.
Despair Seizes Us.
No Hope in Sight.
Formulating a "Last Hope."
Flank Movements.
Dropping to the Planet.
Landing On Mars.
An Experience On Mars.
The Great Planet Exhibits Its Wonders to Our Warriors.
Starting on our Travels.
An Alarming Encounter.
A Palace in View.
Taking Precautions.
A Monstrous Surprise.
Magnificent Music.
A Beautiful Girl!
Chapter XII.
A Human Prisoner.
Martians Guarding Her.
The Girl Appeals to Us.
The Martians Are Killed.
The Girl Understands Us.
The Prisoner Is Rescued.
Beautiful Girl Prisoner.
Establishing the Identity of the Martians' Captive.
A New Food Supply.
Sunshine Again.
The Two Moons of Mars.
Rejoining the Fleet.
Caring for the Rescued Girl.
How Came She on Mars?
The Professor's Astonishing Statement.
Learning Her Language.
Preparing a Rendezvous.
Chapter XIII.
On One of Mars' Moons.
The Ships are Moored.
Marvellous Discoveries.
The Martians Were the Builders of the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids.
A Great Phenomenon.
Lingual Difficulties Ahead.
The Professor Does His Best.
Aha, Professor Heidelberg!
Jealousy Crops Out.
A Tedious Language Lesson.
We Learn Her Name.
Aina Tells Her Story.
The Wonders of the Martians!
Aina's Wonderful Story.
The Martians' Beautiful Prisoner Recounts Her Marvellous Adventures.
An Ancient Martian Conquest.
Awaiting a Rescue.
Her Fortunate Escape.
A Question Settled.
Does Aina Hold the Secret?
Chapter XIV.
She Has a Plan.
We Must Drown Them Out.
Mars Will Be Ours.
The Great Power House.
Ready for a Death Grapple.
Destroying The Martians.
With Aina's Aid Our Warriors Prepare an Awful Revenge on the Enemy.
Overcoming Their Precautions.
Looking for an Entrance.
The Disintegrator Again.
In the Great Power House.
The Magic Lever!
Surprised by the Enemy.
Chapter XV.
The Grand Canal.
A Great Rush of Waters.
Escaping the Water.
Are We, Too, Destroyed?
Mars Is Ruined!
The Deluge On Mars.
How the Martians Met Their Doom Through Aina's Plans.
Waiting for the Flood.
Flooding Hundreds of Canals.
A Dreadful Scene.
The Flocking of the Airships.
Outwitting the Enemy.
A Thousand Martian Ships.
They Battle on in Earnest.
Victory Is Ours!
The Flood Advances.
Watching the Destruction.
Chapter XVI.
The Giant Woman Drowned.
She, Like the Rest, a Prey to the Devouring Flood of the Canals.
Waiting for the Flood.
The Crest of the Waters.
Engulfing the City.
A Woman Forty Feet High!
Overtaken by the Flood.
Save the Woman from Ceres!
She, Like the Rest, Is Gone.
The Martians Not Discouraged.
A Parley with the Enemy.
A Nearer Sight of the Martians.
The Martians' Beautiful Women.
Something Learned About Them.
The Enemy Vanquished.
The Martians Succumb at Last, and Are at Our Mercy.
Aina Attacked by a Martian.
Swift Vengeance.
A Terrible Battle.
The Power of the Disintegrator.
No Pity for Our Foes.
Chapter XVII.
The Emperor Survives.
The Emperor Our Prisoner.
We Dictate Terms.
We Show Mercy.
The Martians Submit.
Preparing to Return.
Chapter XVIII.
(The End.)
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