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Steal This Computer Book 4.0
Praise for Steal This Computer Book
Your Own Revolution
Communication's the thing
Truth is nothing but a point of view
What's in This Book
I. The Early Hackers
1. The Hacker Mentality
Questioning Authority
Questioning Assumptions
Developing Values
The Three Stages of Hacking
2. The First Hackers: The Phone Phreakers
A Short History of Phone Phreaking
Phone Phreaking Urban Legends
The toilet paper crisis in Los Angeles
The Santa Barbara nuclear hoax
The president's secret
True and Verified Phone Phreaking Stories
Making free phone calls, courtesy of the Israeli Army
Phone phreaking for escorts in Las Vegas
Phone Phreaking Tools and Techniques
Shoulder surfing
Phone phreaking with color boxes
Blue box
Red box
Green box
Black box
Silver box
Phone phreaking with color box programs
Phreaking with war dialers and prank programs
Phreaking cellular phones
Hacking voice mailboxes
Hacking VoIP
3. Hacking People, Places, and Things
Social Engineering: The Art of Hacking People
Studying a target
Gaining familiarity
The keys to social engineering
Picking Locks
The theory of lockpicking
The tools and techniques
Exploring Urban Areas
Hacking the Airwaves
Hacking History (or, Hemp for Victory)
The Japanese textbook controversy
Hiding history to protect the present
Watching movies for fun and propaganda
II. The Pc Pioneers
4. Ansi Bombs and Viruses
The Making of an ANSI Bomb
How an ANSI bomb works
Planting an ANSI bomb
The Spread of Computer Viruses
Spreading a file-infecting virus
Parasitic program infectors
Overwriting file infectors
Spreading a boot-sector virus
Spreading a multipartite virus
Spreading a macro virus
How Viruses Avoid Detection
Infection methods
How Antivirus Programs Work
Comparing antivirus programs
Choosing an antivirus program
Why People Write Viruses
For fun
For notoriety
Finding virus-writing tutorials
Virus-writing toolkits
Virus Myths and Hoaxes
The mobile phone virus hoax
The nuclear war hoax
The bait-and-switch virus hoax
The publicity-seeking virus hoax
Learning More About Viruses
The Future Virus Threat
5. Trojan Horses and Worms
The World of Trojan Horses
Taunting the victim
Attacking the victim's pocketbook
The coming of the RATs (remote-access Trojans)
Sneaking a RAT onto a computer
How RATs work
Worms: Self-Replicating Viruses
Email worms
IRC/Instant messaging worms
Internet worms
Malicious web pages
Stopping Worms and Trojan Horses
Tracking the Threats
6. Warez (Software Piracy)
Copying Copy-Protected Software
Defeating Serial Numbers
Defeating Product Activation
Warez Websites
Usenet Newsgroups: The New Piracy Breeding Ground
III. The Internet Hackers
7. Where the Hackers Are
Hacker Websites
Hacker websites for fun and profit
Chaos Computer Club
Cult of the Dead Cow
New Order
Nomad Mobile Research Centre
The Shmoo Group
Underground News
Computer security "hacking" websites
Security News Portal
Sys-Security Research
Talisker's Security Portal
Hacker search engines
Hacker Magazines
Blacklisted! 411
Hacker News Magazine
The Hackademy Premium
Private Line
Hacker Usenet Newsgroups
General hacking newsgroups
Computer virus newsgroups
Encryption newsgroups
Cracking newsgroups
Finding Hackers on IRC
Hacker Conventions
HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth)
Chaos Communication Congress
Don't Panic: Hackers Are People, Too
8. Stalking a Computer
Why Hackers Choose Their Targets
Finding a Target
War dialing
Port scanning
War driving
The steps to accessing a WiFi network
Finding a WiFi network
Protecting a WiFi network
Probing sites by Google hacking
Finding specific webserver software using Google
Searching specific websites
Probing a website's defenses
Finding and copying files using Google
Guarding against Google hackers
The Next Step
9. Cracking Passwords
Password Stealing
Using a keystroke logger
Spying with a desktop monitoring program
Using a password recovery program
Dictionary Attacks
Brute-Force Password Attacks
Passwords: The First Line of Defense
Blocking Access with Biometrics
Biometric devices
Defeating biometrics
Good Enough Security
10. Digging into a Computer with Rootkits
How Operating Systems Work
The Evolution of Rootkits
Modifying log files
Trojaned binaries
Hooking program calls
Loadable kernel module (LKM) rootkits
Opening a Backdoor
Sniffing for More Passwords
Killing Rootkits
11. Censoring Information
Censoring the Internet
URL filtering
Content filtering
DNS poisoning
Port blocking
The Internet Censors
Countries that censor the Internet
The Great Firewall of China
The Internet censors of Saudi Arabia
Castro's censors in Cuba
Internet censorship around the world
Companies that censor the Internet
Censorship Begins at Home: Parental Control Software
Parental control software gone bad: blocking political and educational sites
Parental control software gone really bad: CYBERsitter
CYBERsitter on the offensive
Cyber Patrol vs. cphack
Project bait and switch: the double standard of censorship
Researching parental control programs
Avoiding Internet Censorship
Accessing banned web pages by email
Accessing banned web pages through proxy servers
Reading Banned Books Online
Secretly reading a banned book in broad daylight
Secretly browsing the Web in broad daylight
Is Anyone Censoring the Censors?
12. The Filesharing Networks
A Short History of Internet FileSharing
How FileSharing Works
The birth of Gnutella
The Ares network
The FastTrack network
Sharing Large Files
The Problem with Filesharing
IV. The Real World Hackers
13. The Internet Con Artists
Charity Scams
The Area Code Scam
The Nigerian Scam
Work-at-Home Businesses
Stuffing envelopes
Make-it-yourself kits
Work as an independent contractor
Fraudulent sales
Pyramid Schemes
The Ponzi scheme
The infallible forecaster
The Lonely Hearts Scam
Internet-Specific Con Games
Packet sniffers
Web spoofing
Keystroke loggers
Porn dialers
Online Auction Frauds
Credit Card Fraud
Protecting Yourself
Cagey Consumer
Council of Better Business Bureaus
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Fraud Bureau
Scams on the Net
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
The Recovery Room Scam
14. Finding People on the Internet
Who Are the Stalkers?
Stalking on the Internet
Finding Personal Information on the Internet
Searching personal websites
Finding names, addresses, and phone numbers
ICQ White Pages
Lycos People Search
Yahoo! People Search
Finding someone using a Social Security number
Finding people in the military
Searching public records
Finding email addresses
Meta Email Search Agent (MESA)
Other options
Stalking Celebrities
Protecting Yourself
15. Propaganda as News and Entertainment
The News as Reality TV
Corporate Influence on the News
Project Censored: the news you never read about
Drink milk—the chemicals are good for you
The objective news from ABC and Wal-Mart
The mystery bulge on George Bush's back
The News Only Reports the Facts—And Anything Else Anyone Will Tell Them
The News as History
Fear, Future, Fun, and Fakes: The Weekly World News as a Role Model for the News Media
Fear: attracting an audience
Future: distracting from the present
Fun: keeping people happy
Fakes: lies are more interesting than the truth
TV Guide and Oprah Winfrey
Newsweek and Martha Stewart
O.J. Simpson and Time
Diversity at the University of Wisconsin
Bobbi McCaughey, Newsweek, and Time
Using Satire to Report on Reality
Blogs as News Sources
16. Hacktivism: Online Activism
Virtual Sit-ins and Blockades
The world's first Internet strike
Zapatistas on the Internet
Disturbance on demand
Email Bombing
Web Hacking and Computer Break-ins
Computer Viruses and Worms
Activist Video Games
Google Bombing
Becoming a Hacktivist
17. Hate Groups and Terrorists on the Internet
Hate Groups on the Internet
Racist Video Games
Terrorism: The Communist Threat of the Twenty-first Century
The myth of cyberterrorism
Terrorists on the Internet
The Future of Terrorism
V. The Future—Hacking for Profit
18. Identity Theft and Spam
Understanding Identity Theft
How identity theft works
Minimizing the threat of identity theft
Protecting your credit rating
Spam: Junk Mail on the Internet
Why Companies Spam and How They Do It
Collecting email addresses
Newsgroup extractors
Website extractors
SMTP server extractors
P2P network harvesters
Phishing for email addresses
Masking the spammer's identity
Protecting Yourself from Spammers
Complain to the spammer
Complain to the spammer's ISP
Complain to the Internal Revenue Service
Locating the spammer's postal address
How Spam Filters Work
Content (Bayesian) filtering
Blacklists and whitelists
DNS lookup lists
Attachment filtering
Stopping Spam
Possible future solutions to spam
Going on the offensive
Antispam organizations
A PostScript: Spam as Propaganda
19. Banner Ads, Pop-Up Ads, and Search Engine Spamming
Banner Ads and Click Fraud
Pop-Up/Pop-Under Ads
How to create a pop-up/pop-under ad
How to stop banner and pop-up/pop-under ads
Watching Out for Web Bugs
Tracking the websites you visit
Using web bugs in spam
Bugging newsgroups
Protecting yourself against web bugs
Spamdexing: Search Engine Spamming
Keyword stuffing
Keyword content creators
Link farming
Cloaking and code swapping
Doorway pages
Spamdexing for hire
20. Adware and Spyware
What Spyware Can Do
Displaying pop-up ads
Home page hijacking
Stealing information
Why Companies Advertise Through Spyware
How Spyware Infects a Computer
Installing infected files
Installing infected anti-spyware programs
Drive-by downloads
Spyware-infected spyware
Where Spyware Hides
Eliminating Spyware
Securing Internet Explorer
Switching to a safer browser
Installing a firewall
Monitoring your startup programs
Running anti-spyware programs
VI. Protecting Your Computer and Yourself
21. Computing on a Shoestring: Getting Stuff for (Almost) Free
Internet Comparison Shopping
Buying a Refurbished Computer
Save on Printer Supplies
Free (and Almost-Free) Software
Getting commercial software cheaply (and legally)
Bundled software
Buying obsolete software, upgrades, and OEM versions
Buying software at academic discounts
Shareware and freeware
Name-brand alternatives
Finding an open-source program
Free Internet Access
Free Email Accounts
Free Web and Blog Space
The Best Things in Life Are Free
22. Computer Forensics: The Art of Deleting and Retrieving Data
Recovering Deleted Data
File Shredders
Storing Deleted Data
Finding data stored in slack space
Finding data stored in swap files
Your history stored in a web browser cache
Computer Forensics Tools
File-undeleting programs
Hex editors
Magnetic sensors and electron microscopes
Commercial Forensics Tools
Protecting Yourself
23. Locking Down Your Computer
Protecting Your Computer (and Its Parts)
USB blockers
Remote tracking services
Protecting Your Data
Backing up your data
Update and patch your operating system
Identifying and closing default weaknesses
Choosing a firewall
Switch to a safer browser
Protecting your email account from spam
Protecting against phishing
What's Next?
A. Epilogue
B. What's on the Steal This Computer Book 4.0 CD
Uncompressing, Unzipping, Unstuffing, and So On
Chapter 1—The Hacker Mentality
Chapter 2—The First Hackers: The Phone Phreakers
Chapter 3—Hacking People, Places, and Things
Chapter 4—ANSI Bombs and Viruses
Chapter 5—Trojan Horses and Worms
Chapter 6—Warez (Software Piracy)
Chapter 7—Where the Hackers Are
Chapter 8—Stalking a Computer
Chapter 9—Cracking Passwords
Chapter 10—Digging into a Computer with Rootkits
Chapter 11—Censoring Information
Chapter 12—The Filesharing Networks
Chapter 13—The Internet Con Artists
Chapter 14—Finding People on the Internet
Chapter 15—Propaganda as News and Entertainment
Chapter 16—Hacktivism: Online Activism
Chapter 17—Hate Groups and Terrorists on the Internet
Chapter 18—Identity Theft and Spam
Chapter 19—Banner Ads, Pop-up Ads, and Search Engine Spamming
Chapter 20—Adware and Spyware
Chapter 21—Computing on a Shoestring: Getting Stuff for (Almost) Free
Chapter 22—Computer Forensics: The Art of Deleting and Retrieving Data
Chapter 23—Locking Down Your Computer
C. Cd License Agreement
No Warranty
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