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Imperial Library
Mel Oliver and Space Rover on Mars (Gnome Press, 1954)
Bad Medicine (Thrilling Wonder Stories, February 1941)
Light in Darkness (Thrilling Wonder Stories, Fall 1943)
Skin Dupe (Thrilling Wonder Stories, December 1949)
Disappointment (Startling Stories, July 1950)
The Sack (Astounding Science Fiction, September 1950)
The Barbarians (Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories, January 1951)
Vermin (Fantastic Story Magazine, Fall 1951)
The Cupids of Venus (Startling Stories, November 1951)
The Addicts (Galaxy Science Fiction, January 1952)
Shipping Clerk (Galaxy Science Fiction, June 1952)
New Universe (Startling Stories, July 1952)
Runaway (Galaxy Science Fiction, November 1952)
Dragon Army (Fantastic Adventures, November 1952)
Forgotten Danger (Science Fiction Adventures, February 1953)
The Haters (Rocket Stories, April 1953)
The Weather on Mercury (Galaxy Science Fiction, July 1953)
The Model of a Judge (Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1953)
Country Doctor (Star Science Fiction Stories, Ballantine 1953)
G’rilla (Beyond Fantasy Fiction, January 1954)
Playground (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1954)
Bedside Manner (Galaxy Science Fiction, May 1954)
Heads You Lose (Beyond Fantasy Fiction, May 1954)
Unwelcomed Visitor (If, October 1954)
Dead Man’s Planet (Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1955)
Picture Bride (Galaxy Science Fiction, June 1955)
Spoken For (Galaxy Science Fiction, July 1955)
The Sly Bungerhop (Galaxy Science Fiction, September 1957)
Stepping Stone (with Frederik Pohl) (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1957)
A Feast of Demons (Galaxy Science Fiction, March 1958)
The Science Stage (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1957)
Memoir (Galaxy, Playboy 1980)
1. Two Stowaways in Space
2. Wild Beasts On the Loose
3. The Circus on the Ship
4. The Curious Kabror
5. Mel Makes a Friend—and Loses Her
6. Mel Meets an Enemy
7. Welcome to Mars!
8. Killers in the Circus
9. Rover Takes a Rest
10. Mel Is Followed
11. Mel Gets a Chaperone
12. Under the Martian Sky
13. The Police Investigate
14. Rover Unmasks an Enemy
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