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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
1 - Perilous Pâté
2 - The Pâté Thief
3 - Welcome to Lyon
4 - Goldilocks at the Hotel Charlemagne
5 - The Death Warble
6 - Brasserie Georges
7 - Resurrection
8 - Lyonnais Bistro Delights
9 - The Empty Chair
10 - “Who, in Lyon, Would Want to Kill Us?”
11 - The Dog, the Vet, and the Inspector
12 - Sylvie’s Suspects
13 - An Academic Suspect and a Japanese Fish
14 - Lyonnais Cuisine for the Well-To-Do
15 - Traboule Transportation
16 - Trabouling and Puffer Fishing
17 - A Peugeot Full of Gourmets
18 - Scenic Sauces
19 - A Pious Tour
20 - A Perilous Picnic
21 - Where’s Carolyn?
22 - I’ve Been Poisoned
23 - Lost Reservations
24 - Only One Visitor at a Time, Please
25 - The Angry Suspects
26 - Albertine, Bearing Flowers
27 - Late to Bed, Late to Rise Tends to Strain the Marital Ties
28 - Au Revoir, Lyon
29 - Surprise at the Hotel de l’Horlage
30 - Albertine and Dog to the Rescue
31 - Reconciliations and Strange Art
32 - On the Terrace
33 - A Morning Chat
34 - A Twenty-four Euro Breakfast
35 - ATM Shopping
36 - Haute Cuisine Provençal
37 - Sightseeing with Boring Hair
38 - Banquet Blues
39 - A Gunshot in the Grand Tinel
40 - Rescue
41 - “Where Have You Been?”
42 - The Morning After
43 - Phone Calls and Gifts
44 - A Perfect Afternoon
45 - The Telltale Research
46 - Good Food, Good Gossip
47 - Facing the Angry Parents
48 - A Word to the Gallant Pierre
49 - A Terrorist at Large?
50 - The Terrorist, the Police, and Martin
51 - Illegal Entry
52 - Convincing the Police
53 - Evidence of Intruders
54 - Found: The Evidence, but Not the Suspect
55 - French Fried
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