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Imperial Library
An Overview of the Z Control Structure
The Path to Activation of Transcendent Human Consciousness: _High Level Overview_
Awakening to the Dystopian Reality: The initial Step on the Path of Human Social Transcendence
the Dystopian Reality
Isolation and Deprogramming
Elements of the Greater Mental Complex
The Sociocultural Mind
The Individual Mind (The I Mind or Free Mind)
The Subconscious Mind
Memetic Parasites and Unlearning:
Transcendent Education: Root Social Matrix Analysis, Social Reality, and Strategy Training
Human Social Transcendence Education and Foundational Indoctrination
Primary Modern Human Faction #1: Predatory Humans, Dominus Humans, or Dominators
Indicator Variety 1: Dominus Uniform, Speech, Body Language, and Schemas
Indicator Variety 3: Wrong Leadership
Indicator Variety 5: Dehumanization
Indicator Variety 7: Placing the Self on a False Pedestal
Indicator Variety 9: Invading Personal Space
Indicator Variety 11: Crucifying Potential Saviors
Primary Modern Human Faction #3: Transcendent Humans
Predatory Human Subfaction #2: Matebots
Further Predatory Human Subtypes:
Mental Predatory Humans / Biological Predatory Humans
The Future of Humanity if the Predatory Human Collective retains Control of Human Societies and the Human Masses
The ONET (Oppression Net)
Post Offices
Sporting Events
The Psych Collective: Psychiatrists and Psychologists
Movie Theaters
Schools and Universities
Social Checking Mechanisms
Social Checking Processes
Conversion Phase
Attack Phase (Annihilation Attempt)
The Necessity of Replacement of False Leaders
Human Rights Fronts and Thought Concentration Camps
Extended Conflict between Rival Human Factions
Primary Location(s) of Conflict
Zone of Personal Mental Interaction
Zone of Sociocultural Institutional Structures
Social Self Defense Training
The Omnipresent Exploitable Economic Free Zone (OEZ)
Freedom of Mind
The Hook Product
Self-Control and Discipline Training
Morality Training
Annihilation Attempts Defense Training
Establishing the Vanguard of Transcendent Humanity: The Transcendent Micro, Macro, and Paragon Organizations
The Transcendent Micro Organization (establish first)
The Paragon Organization (establish 3rd)
The Transcendent Societal System (The Paragon Society)
Societal Level Transformation
Transcendent Humanity
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