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Title Page
Human Evolution
Chapter 1: What We Have to Explain
The story so far
Why we are not just great apes
The way ahead
What we have to explain
Chapter 2: The Bases of Primate Sociality
Defusing the stresses of group-living
How cognition underpins sociality
Primate social evolution
Chapter 3 The Essential Framework
The social brain hypothesis
Humans and the social brain
When a community isn’t quite a community
Structural complexity in primate social systems
Why time is so important
Chapter 4: The First Transition
Who were the australopithecines?
The australopithecines’ world
Was bipedalism the solution?
Dietary solutions to the time budget crisis
What time budgets tell us
Australopithecine social life
Chapter 5: The Second Transition
The costs of larger brains
Some possible solutions
The evidence for fire
How laughter solves the bonding problem
Why did brain size increase in early Homo?
Chapter 6: The Third Transition
The first family
Life in the Pit folk’s world
The enigmatic Neanderthals
It’s all in the eyes
The singing Neanderthals?
Chapter 7: The Fourth Transition
The history in the genes
An ingenious solution to an impossible problem
When did language evolve?
A small problem of reproduction
Whatever happened to the Neanderthals?
Chapter 8: How Kinship, Language and Culture Came to Be
Why language evolved
Naming kin
Fitting religion into the mix
Archaeology and the afterlife
Why so many social layers?
Chapter 9: The Fifth Transition
Solving the collective action problem
Stable family, fragile friends
Networks on the edge of civilization
Deacon’s dilemma
When did pairbonding evolve?
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