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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
Biographical Sketch
Editors’ Note
Introduction: A Kick in the Imagination
Part I. Winds of Change (to 1971)
1. The Case against the Church
2. Christian History: A Record of Contradictions
3. The Pedestal Peddlars
4. The Second Sex and the Seeds of Transcendence
Part II. From God to Be-ing (1972–1974)
5. The Women’s Movement: An Exodus Community
6. The Problem, the Purpose, the Method
7. After the Death of God the Father
8. Beyond Good and Evil
9. The Second Coming of Women and the Antichrist
10. The Bonds of Freedom: Sisterhood as Antichurch
11. Antichurch and the Sounds of Silence
12. The Final Cause, the Future, and the End of the Looking Glass War
Part III. The Double-Edged Labrys of Outrageous/Outraged Philosophy (1975–1984)
13. Preface to Gyn/Ecology
14. The Metapatriarchal Journey of Exorcism and Ecstasy
15. Secular S and M
16. African Genital Mutilation: The Unspeakable Atrocities
17. Prelude to the Third Passage
18. Newspeak versus New Words
19. Sparking: The Fire of Female Friendship
20. The Dissembly of Exorcism
21. Daly on Matilda Joslyn Gage
22. On Lust and the Lusty
23. Metaphors of Metabeing
24. Beyond the Sado-Sublime: Exorcising Archetypes, Evoking the Archimage
25. Restoration and the Problem of Memory
26. Phallic Power of Absence
27. Realizing Reason
28. The Raging Race
29. From “Justice” to Nemesis
30. The “Soul” as Metaphor for Telic Principle
31. Be-Friending: The Lust to Share Happiness
Part IV. Spiraling Onward (1985–2010): Future and Past Piratical Coursing
32. Early Moments: My Taboo-Breaking Quest—To Be a Philosopher
33. The Dream of Green
34. The Anti-Modernist Oath
35. My Doctoral Dissertation in Philosophy: Paradoxes
36. The Time of the Tigers
37. Re-Calling My Lesbian Identity
38. Some Be-Musing Moments
39. The Fathers’ Follies: Denial of Full Professorship
40. Classroom Teaching of Women and of Men
41. On How I Jumped over the Moon
42. Magnetic Courage
43. Quintessence: The Music of the Spheres
44. A Heightened Experience of Losing and Finding (Response to Audre Lorde)
45. What Terrific Shock Will Be Shocking Enough?
Works by Mary Daly: A Bibliography
Secondary Sources on Mary Daly
About the Author
About the Editors
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