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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Dedication Page
List of Figures
Preface and Acknowledgments
Chapter 1: Theodore Roosevelt’s Racialized Nation, 1890–1900
A History of the American “Race”
War, Renewal, and the Problem of the “Smoked Yankee”
Chapter 2: Civic Nationalism and Its Contradictions, 1890–1917
“True Americanism”
Racial Dilemmas
The New Nationalism
Chapter 3: Hardening the Boundaries of the Nation, 1917–1929
War and Discipline
“Keeping Pure the Blood of America”
Civic Nationalism in the New Racial Regime
Aborting the New Nationalism
Chapter 4: The Rooseveltian Nation Ascendant, 1930–1940
A Kinder and Gentler Nation Builder
Radicalizing the Civic Nationalist Creed
Conservative Counterattack
The Survival of Racialized Nationalism
Chapter 5: Good War, Race War, 1941–1945
The Good War
Race War
“Something Drastic Should Be Done”: The Military’s Hidden Race War
Combat and White Male Comradeship
Chapter 6: The Cold War, Anticommunism, and a Nation in Flux, 1946–1960
War, Repression, and Nation Building
The Red Scare and the Decline of Racial Nationalism
Racial Nationalism Redux: The Case of Immigration Reform
Chapter 7: Civil Rights, White Resistance, and Black Nationalism, 1960–1968
Civil Rights and Civic Nationalism
“I Question America”: The Crisis in Atlantic City
“Speaking as a Victim of This American System”
Chapter 8: Vietnam, Cultural Revolt, and the Collapse of the Rooseveltian Nation, 1968–1975
A Catastrophic War
The Spread of Anti-Americanism and the Revolt against Assimilation
The Collapse of the Rooseveltian Nation
Chapter 9: Beyond the Rooseveltian Nation, 1975–2000
Varieties of Multiculturalism
“A Springtime of Hope”: Ronald Reagan and the Nationalist Renaissance
Reviving the Liberal Nation
Chapter 10: The Age of Obama, 2000–2016
Clinton, Bush, and Civic Nationalist Renewal
“The American Dream Come True Tonight”
Racial Nationalism Resurgent
Black Lives Matter, Donald Trump, and the Fraying of Obama’s Dream
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