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Imperial Library
Title Page
1. Hell of a Season
2. Bandit by Necessity
3. London Calling
4. Entertaining Insanity
5. Pureblood Alcohol Level
6. Tin Soldier
7. Termites and Tall Tales
8. Fraudulent Fehr
9. Assault by Banana
10. Werewolves of London
11. The Invitation
12. The Gauntlet
13. Wahrheit und Ehre
14. Independence Day
15. Minions and Macaroons
16. A Year's Supply of Gillyweed
17. Black Tea
18. Questionable Sanity
19. Whiskey and Wine
20. A Werewolf's Opinion
21. Increasing the Ranks
22. Bug Bomb Required
23. A Seeker, A Stag and The Gingerbread Man
24. Carry On
25. A Clever Ruse
26. Dresses, Dancing and Death
27. Ladies Fehr
28. Treasure Hunters
29. Welsh Green
30. The Glen
31. Treasure and Tears
32. The Importance of Tea
33. Cloak and Dagger
34. Hostage
35. Forte de Sang
36. Grim Results
37. Mistletoe and Misdirection
38. Flight to Bethnal
39. A Textbook Attack
40. Arrested Development
41. Above the Pie Shop
42. Potions, Pirates and Possibilities
43. Truth
44. Cat Burglary
45. The Marauding Moon
46. Murmurs and Matches
47. Mr Ogden's Housekeeper
48. Mad-Eye and Short-Top
49. The Woes of Stag and Doe
50. The Gaunt Shack
51. The Final Challenge
52. The Sausage Conundrum
53. Hallowe'en
54. Gamboge
55. Verzeih mir
56. The One Hundred and Sixty Ninth
57. Epilogue
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