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Imperial Library
Chapter 1. Judicial Review of Government Decisions
A. The Judicial Role in Environmental Law
1. Standing
2. Reviewability
3. Standard of Review
4. Remedies
B. The National Environmental Policy Act
1. Threshold Requirements
2. Scope and Timing
3. Content of the EIS
4. Review on the Merits
5. Evaluation of NEPA
Chapter 2. Federalism and the Environment
A. Scope of Federal Power
1. The Commerce Power
2. Other Federal Powers
B. Commerce Clause Restrictions on State Power
1. Discriminatory Legislation
2. Proprietary Activities
3. Balancing Test
C. Federal Preemption
Chapter 3. Pollution Control
A. Common Law Remedies
B. Regulation Under the Clean Air Act
1. Overview of the Clean Air Act
2. Consideration of Economic and Technological Feasibility
a. New Motor Vehicles
b. Existing Stationary Sources
c. New Stationary Sources
3. Offsets and Bubbles
4. Toxic Air Pollution
C. Regulation Under the Clean Water Act
1. Overview of the Clean Water Act
2. Consideration of Economic and Technological Feasibility
a. BPT
b. BCT
c. BAT
d. Standards of Performance for New Sources
3. Toxic Pollution
D. Economic Incentives for Environmental Protection
1. Effluent Charges and Penalties
2. Marketable Permits
Chapter 4. Risk Management and Scientific Uncertainty
A. Introduction to Risk Assessment and Risk Management
B. Judicial Views Concerning Management of Uncertain Risks
1. Early Lower Court Decisions
2. Supreme Court Decisions
Chapter 5. Toxic Chemicals, Genetically Modified Organisms, and Hazardous Wastes
A. Pesticide Regulation
B. The Toxic Substances Control Act
C. Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms
D. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
1. Overview of the Act
2. “Solid” and “Hazardous” Waste Defined
3. The Land Disposal Ban
4. Civil Liability: Imminent Hazards
E. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
1. Overview of the Act
2. Implementing Cleanups
3. Liability of Responsible Parties
4. Right of Contribution
5. Measure of Damages
6. Settlements
F. Mandatory Reporting of Chemical Hazards
G. Criminal Liability
1. Knowing Violations
2. Negligent Violations
3. Responsible Corporate Officers
4. Prosecutorial Discretion
H. Common Law Remedies
Chapter 6. Preservation of Natural Areas
A. Preservation as a Goal
B. Restrictions on Development of Private Land
1. The Taking Problem
2. The Public Trust Doctrine
3. The Navigational Servitude
C. Protecting Coastal Waters
D. Protection of Public Lands
1. Public Lands Policy
2. Withdrawals
3. Prevention of Conflicting Private Uses
E. Preserving Endangered Species
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