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Imperial Library
A View from an Old Barrow on the South Downs
Ovingdean grange in the Year Sixteen Hundred and Fifty-One
Showing What Befel Clavering Maunsel after the Battle of Worcester
Showing that a Chimney may Serve for other Purposes than as a Passage for Smoke
What passed between the Independent Minister and Dulcia in the Churchyard
Some of the Vexations Experienced by a Royalist Gentleman at the Time of the Commonwealth
The Ostreger and His Son
The Proclamation
The Tartaret and the Heron
Captain Stelfax
The Priory Ruins
Mock-Beggar Hall and its Inmate
How Ninian Delivered his Message
In What Manner the Cpatain of the Ironsides Employed his Time at the Grange
Showing How Increase Micklegift did a Good Turn to Clavering
How Clavering Came Down the Chimney; and How Mickelgift Lent him Aid for the Second Time
How Micklegift was Ignominiously Expelles from the Grange
How the Captain of the Ironsides took Possession of the Colonel's Chamber
Of the Message sent by Micklegift to Stelfax; and of the Plan for Ensnaring the Fugitives Devised by the Latter
How the Captain of the Ironsides Inspected the Village Church, and Made Another Capture
Showing how Ninian escaped; and How the other prisoners were taken to the Church Tower
The Chase of the Cavalier
Of the Guests at the Poynings' Arms
The Legend of the Devil's Dyke. As Related by Master Cisbury Oldfirle, Schoolmaster, of Poynings
How Stelfax took the Cavalier to the Grange; and What Happened by the Way
By What Means the Prisoners Escaped from the Church
How Sergeant Delves was Reprimanded by his Leader
In What Manner Colonel Gunter was Liberated
The Night Ride to Newhaven— The Brig and the Frigate
The "Star" at Alfriston
How Mr. Beard and Dulcia were taken as Hostages for Colonel Maunsel
The Shepherds on Mount Caburn
What happened at the "Dolphin" at Shoreham
The Paper Bullet
A Royal Wandered
An Encounter with the Governor of Arundel Castle
The Blacksmith of Angmering
The Patriarch of the Downs
What happened at the "White Horse" At Steyning
Ditchling Beacon
Of the King's Reception at the Grange
How the King was Shut Up in the Hiding-Place
The Puritan's Daughter
In which the Tables are turned upon Stelfax
A Glance at Brightelmstone in the Nineteenth Century
The "George" at Brightelmstone
Introducing Two of the Captain Tattersall's Crew
Containing Particulars of the Conflict on Kingston Hill and of the Embarkation at Shoreman
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