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Imperial Library
Chapter 1. Voice
01. Your parents were wrong
02. Have a damn opinion
03. The things that made you weird as a kid make you great today
04. In the particular lies the universal
05. You don’t fit in
06. You become who you pretend to be
07. Work is serious play
08. Creativity is dangerous
09. You ain’t weird, you’re free
10. Your lot in life
Chapter 2. Fear
11. You, the reluctant hero
12. The success of failure
13. Freedom is something you take
14. Tombstone
15. Beware flaccid platitudes over stock photography
16. There ain’t no rules
17. Feck perfuction
18. This is only a test
19. Your ego can’t dance
20. Teach your tongue to say, “I don’t know”
21. The wrongest answer
22. The struggle is everything
Chapter 3. Start
23. Just start
24. All beginnings are hard
25. Begin before you’re ready
26. What is success?
27. Assume success
28. Have a plan
29. Improvise
30. Change the world
31. The first rule of business
32. Make yourself happy first
33. Confidence is sexy
34. Excitement breeds excitement
35. The cost of freedom
Chapter 4. Action
36. Action, action, action
37. Love, attention, and consistency
38. Seek the muse
39. Run from comfort
40. Help me, help me, help me
41. Hold the line
42. Always ask for more
43. Accept less
44. Kill your phone
45. Artists sign their work
46. Do the work
47. Sharpen the ax
48. Coffee notes
49. Inspiration without action
Chapter 5. Habits
50. Kill the critic
51. Stop deprecating all over yourself
52. Brave and scared shitless
53. Complaining is not conversation
54. The secret of the universe
55. The second arrow
56. Beautifully flawed
57. Pobody’s nerfect
58. You’ve got a big but
59. You have no friends
60. Poison and medicine
61. Let go, kitty
62. Warrior not worrier
Chapter 6. Purpose
63. Love something other than your selfie
64. Trust as inspiration
65. Trust yourself
66. Judge not
67. Your work is a gift
68. Health
69. I’m a fake
70. Learn everything
71. We all teach, all the time
72. For god or money?
73. Don’t chase money
74. Because I wanna
75. How to change the world
76. A younger me
77. Make work that matters
About the Author
Chronicle Ebooks
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