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What Is Intuitive Eating?
Benefits of Intuitive Eating
Getting the Most Out of This Workbook
Intuitive Eating Assessment Scale—2
Chapter 1: Principle One: Reject the Diet Mentality
Dieting Leads to Weight Gain
The Paradox of So-Called Healthy Weight
Dieting Hurts Your Psychological Health and Well-Being
Cultivating Self-Compassion
Your Dieting History
How Has Dieting Interfered with Your Life?
The Dangers of Weight Cycling
Letting Go of the Fantasy
Dieting Mentality: Exploring the Hidden Forms of Dieting
Dieting Mentality Reflection
chapter 2: Principle Two: Honor Your Hunger
Body Cue Awareness: Interoceptive Awareness
Getting to Know Your Body’s Physical Sensations
Attunement Reflection
Self-Care and Attunement Disrupters
Self-Care Reflection
Getting to Know Your Biological Hunger
Hunger-Body-Mind Connection
Getting to Know Your Hunger
Hunger Discovery Scale
Hunger Discovery Scale Reflection
Nourishment as Self-Care
My Self-Care Nourishment Plan: Nutrition 911
I Can’t Be Hungry—I Just Ate! Distinguishing Between Thoughts and Hunger Cues
chapter 3: Principle Three: Make Peace with Food
Why Unconditional Permission to Eat Is Vital: The Deprivation Set-Up
Dietary Restraint Theory
The What-the-Hell Effect
Anticipation of Food Restriction
The Irony of Thought Suppression
The Forbidden-Fruit Phenomenon
Inventory: What Foods Do You Currently Forbid or Restrict?
Reflection: Your Forbidden Food Inventory
Habituation: Familiarity and Exposure Breeds Ordinariness
Dieting Impedes the Habituation Effect
Reflection: Your “Last Supper” Eating History
Fears That Hold You Back
What Are Your Fears?
Reflection: Fears About Eating Forbidden Food
Are You Ready to Make Peace with Food?
Reflection: Your Readiness to Make Peace with Food
Systematic Habituation: Make Peace with Food
Getting Ready: Prepare to Make the Best of Your Experience
A Couple Final Notes
Entitlement Eating (You Can’t Tell Me What to Eat)
What About Allergies and Medical Conditions
chapter 4: Principle Four: Challenge the Food Police
Examine Your Beliefs
Evaluate Your Belief System About Food and Your Body
Examine the Origin of Your Beliefs
Beliefs Affect Thoughts
Examine Your Thoughts
Challenge Your Food Police Thoughts
Make Statements Based on Facts
Approach Your Thoughts with Curious Awareness
How Thoughts Affect Feelings
Pay Attention to Your Feelings
Reframe Your Negative, Judgmental Thoughts
How Feelings Affect Behavior
Reflect on Past Overeating Experiences
Spiral of Healing—The Way Out of Judgmental Self-Talk
Come From a Place of Curiosity, Not Judgment
Transforming Negative Self-Talk into Positive Self-Talk and Gratitude
Create Positive Self-talk and Gratitude
Frame Your Goals and Behaviors with “For the Most Part” Thinking
Food Rules
Examine Your Food Rules
Challenge Your Food Rules
Your Family’s Food Rules
Review Your Responses to Your Family’s Food Rules
Distinguish Your Own Beliefs from Your Family’s Rules
Comments from Others
Explore Comments You Have Received from Others
Inner Food Voices
Become Familiar with the Inner Food Voices
Chapter 5: Principle Five: Feel Your Fullness
Barriers to Experiencing Fullness
Distracted Eating
Eating as Sacred Time: Create the Optimal Eating Environment
Clean Plate Club
Clean Plate Assessment
Automatic Habit Disrupter: Left Hand Eating Experiment
Learning to Say No
Characteristics of Fullness
The Emergence of Fullness
Interoceptive Awareness with a Water-Drinking Activity
Factors That Influence Fullness
Discovering the Fullness and Staying Power of Foods
Foods That Increase Fullness
Foods with Little Staying Power
Satiety Snack Practices
Discovering Meals with Staying Power
Fullness Discovery Scale
Reflection on Your Fullness Ratings
The Last Bite Threshold
Chapter 6: Principle Six: Discover the Satisfaction Factor
Why Satisfaction and Pleasure Are Important
What Do You Really Want to Eat?
Sensory Considerations
What Taste Sounds Appealing?
What Texture Sounds Interesting?
What Distinct Aromas Are Appealing?
What Temperature of Food Is Enticing?
What About the Appearance of Food?
How Do You Feel about the Volume and Sustaining Capacity of the Food?
The Importance of Eating Slowly and Mindfully
iEAT Scripted Activity
Get Ready
iEAT Practice
iEAT Reflection
Advanced iEAT Practice: Distracting Thoughts
Sensory Specific Satiety
Advanced Practice: Detecting Sensory Specific Satiety
The Impact of Hunger and Fullness
Last Bite Threshold
Reflection on the Satisfaction Discovery Worksheet
Your Eating Environment
Examine Your Current Eating Environment
Cultivating a Pleasant Eating Environment
Your Emotional Connection to Eating
Your Emotional Atmosphere
Your Favorites: Foods, Dining Companions, and Places to Eat
chapter 7: Principle Seven: Cope with Your Feelings Without Using Food
Detecting Your Vulnerability to Eating Problems: It Might Not Be Emotions!
Self-Care: Reevaluating the Basics
Life Balance
Evaluating Your Deprivation Quotient: Stealth Deprivation
Emotional Reasons for Overeating
Evaluating the Pros and Cons of Emotional Eating
Identify Emotional Triggers
Become Aware of Your Range of Feelings
Healing Emotional Eating
Self-Care, Nurturance, and Compassion
Using Your Imagination
Learning to Sit with Your Feelings
Taking a Time-Out: What Am I Feeling Right Now?
What Is It That I Really Need at This Moment?
Building Your Emotional Muscles
The Sadness of Saying Enough
The “One Little Thing” Approach
Helpful Distraction
Rehearsal and Visualization
Chapter 8: Principle Eight: Respect Your Body
You Can’t Fool Mother Nature!
Your Life Without Body Negativity
Ways to Show Your Body Respect
Getting Rid of the Scale
Stop Body Checking
Throw Out Old Clothes
Wear Comfortable Clothes
Buying New Clothes
Stop Comparing
Your Personal Qualities
Body Comparison
The “And” Practice—Taking the Focus Off Body Identification
Body Bashing
Negative Body Talk
Formal Assessment of Positive Body Image
Body Appreciation Scale
Chapter 9: Principle Nine: Exercise: Feel the Difference
Start By Simply Sitting Less in Your Daily Living
Getting Real: Estimating the Amount of Your Sitting Time
Exploring How to Sit Less and Interrupt Prolonged Sitting
The Pursuit of Pleasurable Activities
Let Your Body Be Your Guide: Mindful Exercise
Exploring How the Pursuit of Enjoyable Activities Would Impact You
Benefits of and Barriers to Physical Activity
Benefits of Physical Activity
Health Benefits of Physical Activity
Exploring the Short-Term Life-Enhancing Benefits of Physical Activity
Barriers to Exercise
Evaluating Barriers to Exercise
Exploring Barriers to Exercise
Overcoming Barriers: Importance of a Body-Positive Environment
Discover Physical Activities You Enjoy
Getting Started
Physical Activities Worksheet
Exploring Physical Activities
How Much Activity and How Often?
How Many Minutes Per Week?
Effort or Intensity
Physical Activity Planning Guide
Monitoring How You Feel
Reflection of Activity Journal
Exercising Too Much
Chapter 10: Principle Ten: Honor Your Health: Gentle Nutrition
Body-Food Choice Congruence
The Messages from Your Body
Play Food Versus Nutritious Food
Are You Ready to Consider Nutrition in Your Food Choices?
What Motivates Your Food Choice?
Authentic Health
Food Wisdom
Starting with the Basics: Variety, Moderation, and Balance
Nutrition Recommendations
The Five Overarching 2015–2020 Guidelines
Eat Not Too Much—and Not Too Little
Issues of Eating Not Too Much
Issues of Eating Too Little
Nutrition and Satisfaction
It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect
Intuitive Eating Resources
Counseling and Support
Professional Resources
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