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1 Introduction to the Slurry Loop Process
2 The Loop Reactor Circulation Pump Power
2.1 Reactor Pump Circulating Pure Liquid
2.2 Reactor Pump Circulating the Slurry
2.3 Upsets in Reactor Pump Power
2.3.1 A Realistic Reactor Pump Power Curve
2.3.2 Reactor Fouling
2.3.3 Hot Spots Conditions at which a Hot Spot is Created Interpretation of the Integers m and k Margins to be Respected around m/k Values
3 The Functioning of the Settling Legs
3.1 The Functioning of the Settling Legs
3.1.1 Description and Definitions
3.1.2 The Overall Reactor Mass Balance
3.1.3 The Volumetric Output Equation
3.1.4 The Solids Removal Rate Equation
3.2 Correlations for the Effective Settling Velocity
3.2.1 General Correlation
3.2.2 Specific Correlations
3.2.3 Correlation with the Terminal Falling Velocity
3.3 Control of the Solids Concentration in the Loop Reactor
3.3.1 The Solids Concentration Control Equation
3.3.2 Control of the Solids Concentration
3.3.3 Stability of the Solids Concentration Control
4 The Settling of the Polymer in the Settling Legs
4.1 Description and Definitions
4.2 Kynch’s Sedimentation Theory
4.3 Growth Rate of the Zone of Thickened Slurry
4.4 Settling Behaviour of the Polymer
4.5 Maximum Filled Fraction of the Settling Legs
4.6 Settling Legs with a Change in Diameter
5 Catalyst Activity and Productivity
5.1 The Polymerisation Reaction
5.2 Polymerisation Rate Equation
5.3 Catalyst Activity
5.4 Catalyst Reactor Productivity
5.5 Catalyst Reactor Productivity in a Batch Reactor
6 The 1/1 Hypothesis
6.1 Silica Particles
6.2 Catalyst Particle Fragmentation and Growth
6.3 Catalyst Particle Productivity
6.4 Balance for the Number of Particles
6.5 Verification of the 1/1 Hypothesis
7 Catalyst Residence Time Distribution
7.1 Definitions and Assumptions
7.2 Perfect Mixing of the Catalyst
7.3 Catalyst Activity
7.4 Catalyst Reactor Productivity
7.5 Mass of Polymer Present in the Reactor
7.6 Catalyst Residence Time Distribution
7.7 Mass Balance for the Polymer
7.8 Experimental Measurement of the Catalyst Residence Time Distribution in the Loop Reactor
7.8.1 Cumulative RTD and Response to a Step Signal
7.8.2 Experiment
8 Catalyst Activity Profiles from Full Scale Loop Data
8.1 Calculating the Catalyst Activity Profile from Full Scale Loop Data
8.2 Catalyst Productivity Curve and Activity Profile in the Loop Reactor
8.3 Catalyst Particle Productivity
8.4 Experimental Results for Catalyst Activity Profiles from Full Scale Data
8.5 Catalyst Activity Profiles Showing an Induction Time
9 Conversions of the Reactants
9.1 Calculating Conversions from Full Scale Reactor Data
9.2 The Conversion of Ethylene
9.3 The Conversion of Hydrogen
9.3.1 Hydrogen to Ethylene Ratios
9.3.2 Calculating the Hydrogen Conversion
9.4 The Conversion of 1-Hexene
9.4.1 1-Hexene to Ethylene Ratios
9.4.2 Calculating the 1-Hexene Conversion
9.5 Conversions and Polymer Properties
9.5.1 Correlations for Melt Index
9.5.2 Incorporated 1-Hexene and Density
9.6 In-situ Generation of 1-Hexene with CrOx Catalysts
9.7 Optimisation of Reactor Conditions Based on Conversions
10 The Ethylene Concentration Profile in the LoopReactor
10.1 Reactor Geometry
10.2 Slurry Flow in the Reactor
10.3 Catalyst Activity
10.4 Rate of Reaction along the Loop
10.5 Ethylene Concentration Profile in the Loop
10.6 Increasing Production Rates in the Loop Reactor
11 A Simple Model for the Slurry Loop Reactor
11.1 Elements to Build the Model with
11.1.1 Overview of the Variables
11.1.2 Independent Variables
11.1.3 Dependent Variables
11.1.4 The Use of Conversions
11.2 Simplifying Assumptions
11.3 Mathematical Relations
11.3.1 Polymer Properties
11.3.2 Conversions
11.3.3 Physical Properties
11.3.4 Catalyst Activity
11.3.5 Flash Gas Flows
11.3.6 Reactor Feeds
11.3.7 Constraints
11.4 A Corrective Off-line Model
12 Establishing Correlations from Loop Reactor Data by Linear Regression
12.1 The Data Set
12.2 Building the Data Set
12.3 Establishing the Correlations
12.3.1 Inspection of the Data Set
12.3.2 Inspection of the Observations by Cluster Analysis
12.3.3 Inspection of the Pearson Correlation Coefficients between the Variables
12.3.4 Establishing the Correlation by Linear Regression
13Scaling-Up from Bench Reactor to Loop Reactor
13.1 Bench Reactor Polymerisation Tests
13.2 Variables in Bench Reactor Polymerisation Tests
13.3 Catalyst Activity
13.4 Data Set and Correlations
13.5 Translating Bench Scale Variables into Loop Reactor Conditions
13.5.1 Type and Composition of the Catalyst
13.5.2 Ethylene Concentration
13.5.3 Reactor Temperature
13.5.4 Catalyst Activation Temperature
13.5.5 Hydrogen Concentration
13.5.6 Comonomer Concentration
13.5.7 Dosage of the Cocatalyst
13.5.8 Comparing Bench Results to Full Scale Loop Data
13.6 Molecular Weight Distributions from Bench Scale Tests
14 The Operation of Two Loop Reactors in Series
14.1 Mass of Polymer Present in the Second Reactor
14.2 Catalyst Residence Time Distribution in the Second Loop Reactor
14.3 Total Catalyst Residence Time Distribution in Two Loop Reactors in Series
14.4 Assumed Catalyst Productivity in a Second Loop Reactor in Series
14.5 The Bimodality Distribution for Two Loop Reactors in Series
14.5.1 The Ideal Bimodality Distribution
14.5.2 A Realistic Bimodality Distribution
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