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Imperial Library
Title Page
The King of Philosophers
The World of Athens
The Decline of Athens
Foreign Travels
The Academy
The III-Advised Visits to Syracuse
The Peaceful Academic
Greek Civilization
Greek Thought
The City-States of Greece
Plato’s Warnings
Influences on Plato: the Pre-Socratics
The Religion of Mathematics
Heraclitus: Everything Changes
Pure and Applied Science
Socrates’ View of Knowledge
Socratic Dialogue
Virtue is Knowledge
Seek the Essences
Plato’s Socrates
The Euthyphro
The Apology
The Crito
The Phaedo
The Influence of Socrates on Plato
The Sophists: Wisdom for Money
Sophistic Relativism and Scepticism
The Meno
Problems with Anamnesis
Introduction to Plato’s Republic
Athens and the Perfect State
Preliminary Discussions
The Poor Response
Some Better Arguments
The Ideological View of Morality
Glaucon and Adeimantus
Psychological Egoists
The Social Contract Theory of Morality
But Is It True?
Plato’s Epistemology
What is Knowledge?
Universals and Particulars
Paradigms and Copies
The Puzzling World of Forms
Why Plato Needed the Forms
A Short Digression
Socratic Definitions
Words, Ideas and Things
Definitions and Forms
Forms and Particulars
The Relationship between Forms and Particulars
Linguistic Determinism
It’s All Greek
Perfect Knowledge: Perfect Republic
Neat Answers
Criticisms of the Theory of Forms
More Problems
True and Certain Knowledge
So What Are Universals?
Plato’s Political Philosophy
Argument by Analogy
How Societies Begin
The Division of Labour
Educating the Republic’s Soldiers
The Myth of the Four Metals
The Myth of the Cave
What Does It Mean?
The Harmonious Beehive and the Soul
The Big Lie
The Bizarre Life of a Guardian
The Guardians and the Forms
Moral Absolutism
No Place For Art
The State of Art
The Paradox
The Ship of State
The Wild Beast
Plato and the People
Against Utopianism
What is the “Right” Government?
The Laws
Plato’s Second Republic
The Theocracy
What Would Plato Do with Socrates?
The Symposium
Homosexual and Heterosexual Love
So, What Is Love?
The Purer Forms
Alcibiades Enters
The Timaeus
Atlantis: Legend of the Lost City
Cosmology in The Timaeus
Triangular Particle-Theory
Plato and String Theory
The Chora
The Sophist: Puzzles and Confusions
Language, Thoughts and Things
The Thaetetus
Sensations and Knowledge
Theories of Perception
How Do We Have Wrong Thoughts?
The Phaedrus
What is Rhetoric?
Against Writing
Deconstructing Logocentrism
Private and Public Voices
Plato’s Inheritors: Aristotle
Platonists, Neo-Platonists and Others
What Sort of Philosopher Is He?
What Does a Philosopher Do?
Dialogue Interrogation
What Are the Answers?
The Quest for Ideal Perfection
Plato, the Escape-Artist
Further Reading
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