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Imperial Library
Introduction: No Debate over Darwinian Evolution?
I. Pre-Publication Debate & Discussion
1. Darwinists Waste No Time
2. Gripe-Fest Turns Surreal
II. Speed Reader: Nick Matzke
3. Rush to Judgment
4. Matzke, Cladistics, and Missing Ancestors
5. A Graduate Student Writes
6. How “Sudden” Was the Cambrian Explosion?
7. A One-Man Clade
8. Hopeless Matzke
9. Cladistics to the Rescue?
III. Heavyweight: Berkeley’s Charles Marshall
10. When Theory Trumps Observation
11. No New Genetic Information Needed?
12. The God-of-the-Gaps Fallacy?
13. Small Shelly Fossils and the Cambrian Explosion
14. More on Small Shelly Fossils and the Cambrian Explosion
IV. Biologist: Martin Poenie
15. Answering Objections from Martin Poenie
16. More on Objections from Martin Poenie
17. Orphan Genes: A Guide for the Perplexed
18. Protein Evolution: A Guide for the Perplexed
19. Show Me: A Challenge for Martin Poenie
V. Miscellaneous Challenges
20. Backhanded Compliments from The New Yorker
21. About an Ellipsis: John Farrell in National Review
22. Darwin Defenders Love Donald Prothero’s Amazon Review
23. Does the “Great Unconformity” Explain Missing Ancestors?
VI. Trends in Reviewing D ARWIN’S D OUBT
24. Evidence of Short-Term Memory Loss
25. Reviewing the Reviewers: A Taxonomy of Evasion
26. Hostile Responses Change a Thoughtful Reader
VII. Replying to D ARWIN’S D OUBT Without Naming It
27. Cambrian Animals? Just Add Oxygen
28. Teamwork: New York Times and Science Offer a Rebuttal
29. To Create Cambrian Animals, Whack the Earth from Space
30. Does Lightning-Fast Evolution Solve the Cambrian Enigma?
VIII. Responses from Theistic Evolutionists
31. Finding the Designer’s Garbage
32. BioLogos Delivers a Raft of Reviews
33. Ralph Stearley’s “Well, Maybe, Who Knows?” Review
34. Still Awaiting Engagement
35. Are Biologists Coming to Reject Neo-Darwinian Evolution?
36. Leading Theistic Evolutionist Praises Darwin’s Doubt
37. Methodological Naturalism: A Rule That No One Needs or Obeys
38. Mistaking Intelligent Design for a God-of-the-Gaps Argument
39. Clarifying Issues: My Response to BioLogos
40. Walking It Back?
41. Among Theistic Evolutionists, No Consensus
42. Denying the Signature: A Response to Bishop and O’Connor
43. Of Minds and Causes: A Further Response to Bishop and O’Connor
IX. Independent Confirmation of Meyer’s Thesis
44. Erwin and Valentine: The Cambrian Enigma Unresolved
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