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Introduction: The Most Destructive War
About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
How This Book Is Organized
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Part I : Origins and Causes of the War, 1919–1939
Chapter 1: World War II: Why It Matters and What You Need to Know
The War’s Beginnings
Who’s Who of Combatants
The Course of the War
Where in the World Was the World War Fought?
The Effect of World War II
Chapter 2: The Great War and the Uneasy Peace: How World War II Happened
The End of One War and the Roots of Another
Collapsing Economies: The Great Depression
Fascism and Nazism: Whose Bright Idea Was This?
The Rise of Hitler
Japan and the Militarists: The Army Calls the Shots
Chapter 3: Hoping for Peace: The Rise of the Dictators, 1933–1939
The Steps to War: Taking Advantage of Circumstances
Getting Aggressive: Italy Makes a War
Forging a Pact: The Axis Is Born
The Spanish Civil War: Fascism and Communism Clash
Germany: Using Diplomacy and Smoke Screens for War
Britain: Seeking Mediation and Appeasement
Austria and Czechoslovakia Catch Hitler’s Eye
Part II : Starting the War: The Axis Invades and Conquers, 1939–1942
Chapter 4: Invading Eastern Europe: Hitler’s Power Grows, 1939
Czechoslovakia Disappears: Divvying Land and German Occupation
Playing Both Sides of the Fence: Negotiations with the Soviets
Talking Peace and Planning War: Hitler Finds an Excuse
Chapter 5: Blitzkrieg in Europe: World War II Begins, 1939–1941
The Invasion of Poland
Drawing the Line: Britain and France Declare War on Germany
Fighting His Own War: Stalin Goes after Finland
He’s B-a-a-ck: Hitler Strikes Norway and Denmark
The Phony War: Using France to Get at Britain
A British Epic: The Battle of Britain
The Balkans: Mussolini’s Mess and Hitler’s New Target
The Italians Take Their Lumps All Over Africa
Chapter 6: The Ultimate Battle: Hitler versus Stalin
If at First You Don’t Succeed, Find Another Target
Appeasing Germany: Stalin Is Clueless
Forgetting What’s Important: Hitler’s Fatal Decision
Corporal Hitler Takes Charge of the Eastern Front
Chapter 7: America on the Sidelines: 1933–1941
Looking Inward: A New President and a Neutral Stance
Bad Signs in Europe
Roosevelt Plays the Neutrality Game
France’s Fall: America’s Wake-up Call
Chapter 8: Collision in Asia: Japan and America, 1937–1941
A Brief History of Politics in Japan
Building the Perfect Machine: Japan Thinks War
War Comes to America: Pearl Harbor
The Japanese Wage War
Ignoring the Writing on the Wall: MacArthur Fights
Hitler Declares War on the Mongrel Race
Now It’s a World War
Part III : Behind Enemy Lines: Nations at War
Chapter 9: Maintaining Resources: The Axis
Nazi Germany
Unready and Unwilling: Fascist Italy
Believing in Victory: Imperial Japan
Chapter 10: Working Together: The Allies
Staying United: The United Kingdom
Working Hard: The United States
The Soviet Union
Chapter 11: The War against the Jews
The Rationale: Nazi Thinking
The Persecution Begins: Jews in Germany
Mobile Killing Units: The Einsatzgruppen
Deportation to Ghettos, Concentration Camps, and Death Camps
The Final Solution and Its Ultimate Failure
Part IV : Planning and Launching the Allied Counterattack, 1942–1943
Chapter 12: The Politics of Compromise, 1942
The Axis Powers: Deals among Desperados
American-British Cooperation: Not a Bed of Roses
Clashing Strategies: A Debate among Friends
Making the First Decision: Germany First
Chapter 13: Taking North Africa, Sicily, and the Boot
Rommel’s Desert Defeat: El Alamein
Throwing the Torch: The Allies Strike in North Africa
Turning toward Tunisia
A Day and Night in Casablanca: The Allies Go-Forward Plan
Operation HUSKY: Invading Sicily
Up the Boot: Invading the Italian Mainland
Chapter 14: Germany a Three-Time Loser: In Russia, At Home, and in the Atlantic
Hitler’s 1942 Offensive in Russia
Amassing Ammo and Men at Kursk
Taking It to the Streets: Bombing Germany
High Tide of the U-Boat: The Battle of the Atlantic
Chapter 15: Guadalcanal, New Guinea, and Midway: Japan’s Three Strikes
The Rope-a-Dope: Japan Fights for Time
A Military First: The Battle of the Coral Sea
Midway: Naval Aviation’s Finest Moment
New Guinea: Green Hell
Protecting Australia: Allied Pacific Strategy
Nimitz Takes the Offensive
Chapter 16: Planning for the Rest of the War, 1943
The Big Three: Conference at Teheran
Winds of Change in 1943: From the Axis Perspective
The Panorama of 1943: From the Allied Perspective
Part V : The Long Haul, 1944
Chapter 17: The Italian Campaign and Soviet Victories in the East
Changing Plans: End Run on the Winter Line
Rome: The First Capital to Fall — So What?
Steamrolling the German Army in Russia
Chapter 18: Liberating Europe: From Normandy to Paris, and Beyond
Deciding on Strategy: OVERLORD
D-Day: Invasion and Breakout
Expanding the Beachhead
Too Far, Too Fast: More Decisions
The Air War: Wearing Germany Down
Hitler’s Gamble: The Battle of the Bulge
The Soviets on Germany’s Doorstep
Advancing into Yugoslavia and Hungary
Chapter 19: Japan Begins to Crack
The Island Assault Plan: The Marshalls and Then the Marianas
Marshall Islands: Learned Lessons Well Applied
Mauling the Marianas
The Japanese Navy Weighs In: The Battle of the Philippine Sea
Kicking Off the New Guinea Campaign
Preparing to Take Leyte
Operations in the Pacific: An Appreciation
The China-Burma-India Theater
Allied Hit and Runs in Burma
The Japanese Tip the Balance in China
Stirring Up Trouble: The Japanese Offensive against India
The End of the Line in Burma: Good-bye to Stilwell and the Japanese
Part VI : Starting Over: The War’s Aftereffects, 1945
Chapter 20: Ending the War (Almost): The Final Offensive
The Allies Cross the Rhine, the Germans Turn a Corner
The Soviets Move Forward
Fighting in the Air and at Sea: The Final Acts
Capturing German Territory
Roosevelt’s Last Act and Stalin’s Coup at Yalta
The War in Italy Ends, and Germany Succumbs
Stalin Moves on Berlin
No Way Out: The Germans Surrender
Celebrating VE Day
Reconstructing a New Germany: The Potsdam Conference
Loose Ends of a Bitter Victory
Chapter 21: The Japanese Defeat
Returning to the Philippines
Attack from Air and Sea: Japan Is Next
The Fight for Iwo Jima
Okinawa: A Different Set of Problems
The Planned Invasion of Japan
The Atomic Bomb and the Defeat of Japan
The Allied Occupation of Japan
Chapter 22: The Uneasy Peace
The Costs: A Global Assessment
Remaking the World: War and Technology
Giving Peace a Chance: The United Nations
A New World Emerges
The Beginnings of the Cold War
Some Final Thoughts
Part VII : The Part of Tens
Chapter 23: Ten Formidable Military Leaders of World War II
Winston S. Churchill: Timeless Excellence
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Douglas MacArthur: Damn the Torpedoes!
George C. Marshall: Sterling Dedication
Chester W. Nimitz: Master of the Sea
George S. Patton: A Warrior for All Seasons
Irwin Rommel: The Desert Fox
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Artful Dodger
Isoroku Yamamoto: Samurai Warrior
Georgi Zhukov: Leading the Masses
Chapter 24: Ten Weapons That Made a Difference
The German MG-42 Machine Gun
The German Tiger Tank
The M-1 Garand Rifle
The V-2 Rocket
The P-51 Mustang
The Me-262 Jet Aircraft
The B-17 Bomber: The Flying Fortress
The 88 mm Gun
The Yorktown and Essex Class Carriers
The Atomic Bomb
Chapter 25: Ten “What Ifs?” of World War II
What If Hitler Conquered Great Britain Instead of Attacking the Soviet Union?
What If U.S. Carriers Had Been at Pearl Harbor?
What If Hitler Pursued Proper Strategic Programs?
What If There Had Been No Attack on Pearl Harbor Until 1942?
What If Hitler Liberated the Russians?
What If France Held Out in 1940?
What If the Bulge Had Worked?
What If Hitler Had Been Assassinated?
What If Hitler Let His Generals Plan Strategy?
What If the Japanese Navy Had Survived?
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