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Imperial Library
2003 columns
Can A Government Wage War Without Popular Support?
Will the Enemy Fight?
Washington is Playing at War
War Against Everyone, Everywhere
A Warning from Clausewitz
Some German Lessons
Hippos Can't Tap Dance
No Exit
The Duke of Medina Sidonia
Don't Take John Boyd's Name In Vain
Of Time and the Rivers
The Men Who Would Not Be King
Lies, Damned Lies, and Military Intelligence
How NOT to Use Light Armored Vehicles
Utopia Means “No Place”
Curiouser And Curiouser
Post-Machine Gun Tactics
The Politics of War
Worse Than Crimes
How to Fight 4th Generation War
Understanding 4th Generation War
A Marley Christmas
2004 columns
How 2004 Looks From Potsdam
More Thoughts From the 4th Generation Seminar
The Army’s “Transformation”
The Discarded Image
5th Generation War
Kick Down the Doors and Beat 'Em Up
The Withering Away of the State
How 2004 Looks From Potsdam
Dead Leaves and Dry Bones
Why They Throw Rocks
Successful Strategic Bombing
Decentralized Non-State War
The Battle That Wasn't
Your Fish, Sir
Why We Get It Wrong
Back From the Brink
Iraq's WMD Factory
Work for the Grossgeneralstab
Our Psyops Disasters
Two Marine Corps
The Four Generations of Modern War
The 4GW Canon
The October Surprise
The Past is All Coming Back
Civil War in Iraq
The 9/11 Commission Report: Reorganization, Not Reform
Corruption in the Corps
Seeing Through the Other Side's Eyes
The Desert Fox
Greater Denmark, the Neo-Barbs and the War With Sweden
Stage Three
Learning Curves
Destroying the National Guard
The Grand Illusion
Situational Awareness
The Moral Level of War
Election Day
The Sling and the Stone
Germany's Blunder
Tactics of the Crescent Moon
Last Dignified Exit
4GW on the Homefront
The March of Folly, Continued
Election Ju-Ju
Little Stalingrad
2005 columns
The Sorrows of Old Werther
Coming Unglued
Duce? Not to Us
More Election Ju-Ju
Fin de Siecle
Opportunity Knocks
Turkish Delight
More Newspeak
Where Is Charles Martel?
On Killing
Lebanese Baloney
Are Iraq's Insurgents Losing?
On Strategy
MS-13 vs. Minutemen
More on Gangs & Guerillas vs the State
Fool's Paradise
The Reality Gap
The Greatest Blunder
Of Cabbages and Kings
Wreck it and Run
Striking Back at the Empire
The Other War
The Sun Also Rises
Doing it Right
Hunting for Cops
The Duke of Alba
Modern Warfare Symposium
Organizing the Militia
Getting Swept
Some Responses
War and Rumors of War
In Defense of His Majesty
Blunders and Opportunities
Important Distinctions
True Confessions
Exit Strategy
C'est la Guerre
Militant Tricks
It Ain't Fair
Operation IEDs
Questionable Assumptions
The Fine Art of Withdrawal
Two False Options
2006 columns
Conversation with der Allerhoechste
Critics of the 4th Generation: the Good
Critics of the 4th Generation: the Bad
Critics of the 4th Generation: the Ugly
The Next Act
The Long War
Latin Beat
Paking It In
Army Wins One
Unholy Alliance
Reorganization or Reform?
Through the Postern Gate
The Army's Truth in Advertising
The Self-Proclaimed Other
The Fourth Plague
Sweeping Up
Off With His Head!
A Left-Right Anti-war Alliance
War on Afghan Time
More Contradictions
The Boys From Brazil
The Perils of Threat Inflation
The Power of Weakness, Again
Blood Stripes
Incapable of Learning
Neither Shall the Sword
To Be or Not to Be a State
Two Signposts
The Summer of 1914
Welcome to My Parlor
The Prussian Monarchy Stuff
Collapse of the Flanks
Beginning to Learn
Down Mexico Way
General Puff
Will the Trumpet Sound Uncertain
The Sanctuary Delusion
Dear Jim
Why We Still Fight
Barbarians at the Gate
Strategic Counteroffensive
Third and Final Act
He’s Tanned, Rested and Ready
Lose a War, Lose an Election
Davy Jones's Locker
More Troops
Boomerang Effect
Knocking Opportunity
Last Throw of the Dice
2007 columns
A State Restored
Less Than Zero
His Majesty's Birthday
The Real Game
Raise the Bar or Cross It
Distributed or Dumb Ops?
A Swedish Lesson
The Non-thinking Enemy
The Washington Dodgers
Flickers of Light
Operation Anabasis
Blinking Red Light
Horatio Hornblower's Worst Nightmare
A Tactics Primer
The Changing Face of War
General Incompetence
Review of Brave New War
Death of Multiculturalism
The Folly of Maximalist Objectives
A Perspective on Anbar
The Perfect (Sine) Wave
Some British Thoughts on Maneuver Warfare
Legitimacy, Toujours Legitimacy
The Death of the RMA
Not 4th Generation War
Tordenskjold Sails Again
How to Win in Iraq
America's Last Successful Mideast War
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Importing More 4th Generation War
More Kabuki
A Seam to Exploit
A Ticking Bomb
John Boyd's Book
Not So Fast, John
Out of the Frying Pan
Mahan vs Corbett
A Question for Would-be Presidents
Cops Who Think
In the Fox's Lair
Academics Awake!
Operationalizing Tactical Successes in Iraq
Major Wormwood Reports
2008 columns
Kicking the Can Down the Road
Side Effects
Crossing the Channel
My Master's Voice
Die and Win
The Best Counterinsurgency: Unentangle
War or Not War
Kosovo: Fools Rush In
Dollars and Sense
Operation Cassandra
Die Panzerwaffe
A Confirming Moment
Evaluating 4GW Missions
Ancient History
Not Checking Six
Pyrrhic Victory
The Yellow Press
The Necessary War
Viva Columbia!
Running the Narrows
Why McCain Is Wrong
Changing Horses in Mid-Stream
George, Stay Out of Georgia
A Deeper Global Crisis
Defending the Baltics
Why Obama Is Wrong
Van Creveld Writes Another Big Book
War on Two Fronts, Without Railways
Pas d'Argent, Pas de Suisse
The Afghan Advantage
The Other Election
A Useful Culminating Point?
Obama's First Test
The Russian Imperative
What Happened in Mumbai
If Wishes Were Horses
America's Defense Meltdown
2009 columns
Israel Doesn’t Get 4GW
His Majesty’s Birthday
Blowback Revisited
New 4GW Literature
Two Elections
The Price of Bad Tactics
A Barometer of Order
Rounding Up the Usual Suspects
An All-State Alliance
Another War Lost
Another Vandergriff Book
Escaping the 2GW Trap
Back to the Balkans
The Future is Now
A Memo to the President
Calling President Davis
The Iran Crisis and 4GW
Going Nowhere Fast
One Step Forward, One Step Back
Ideas as Weapons
The Silence of the Sheep
War of Exhaustion or War of Maneuver?
Can He Think Big?
The Taliban’s Air Force
Last Exit Before Quagmire
Keeping Our Infantry Alive
Operation Albion
The First Front
Beware Charybdis!
4GW Comes to Ft. Hood
Political Correctness
How the Taliban Take a Village
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