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Title Page
On the Presentation of Self in the Workplace
1. Don’t suck up.
2. Don’t use first names with people considerably older than you until asked, and sometimes not even then.
3. Excise the word like from your spoken English.
4. Stop “reaching out” and “sharing,” and other prohibitions.
5. On the proper use of strong language.
6. On piercings, tattoos, and hair of a color not known to nature.
7. Negotiating the minefield of contemporary office dress.
8. Office emails are not texts to friends.
9. What to do if you have a bad boss.
10. The unentitled shall inherit the earth.
11. Manners at the office and in general.
12. Standing out isn’t as hard as you think (I).
13. Standing out isn’t as hard as you think (II).
On Thinking and Writing Well
14. Putting together your basic writing toolkit.
15. A bare-bones usage primer.
16. Writing when you already know what you want to say.
17. Writing when you don’t know what you want to say.
18. Don’t wait for the muse.
19. Learn to love rigor.
On the Formation of Who You Are
20. Leave home.
21. Recalibrate your perspective on time.
22. Get real jobs.
23. Confront your inner hothouse flower.
24. Think about what kinds of itches need scratching.
25. Being judgmental is good, and you don’t have a choice anyway.
26. Come to grips with the distinction between can do and may do.
27. Come to grips with the difference between being nice and being good.
28. Don’t ruin your love affair with yourself.
On the Pursuit of Happiness
29. Show up.
30. Take the clichés about fame and fortune seriously.
31. Take religion seriously, especially if you’ve been socialized not to.
32. Take the clichés about marriage seriously.
33. Be open to a startup marriage instead of a merger marriage.
34. Watch Groundhog Day repeatedly.
35. That’s it.
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