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Imperial Library
Title Page
Chapter XI. Sixth Century. West
150. Fulgence of Ruspe
150-A. The Forgiveness of Sins
150-B. Rule of Faith
150-C. Against Fabian
150-D. Letters
150-D-1. Letter 12. To Ferrandus, a Deacon
150-D-2. Letter 14. To Ferrandus, a Deacon
151. Ferrandus of Carthage
151-A. Life of Fulgence of Ruspe
152. Magnus Felix Ennodius
152-A. Libellus de Synodo
152-B. Life of Epiphanius
153. Hormisdas, Pope
153-A. Letters. 59; 146
154. Rule of the Master
155. Benedict of Nursia
155-A. Rule
156. Rule of Paul and Stephen
157. John the Deacon
157-A. Letter to Senarius
158. Pseudo-Maximus of Turin
158-A. Treatises on Baptism. 1; 2; 3
159. Vigilius, Pope
159-A. Letter to Profuturus
160. Pelagius I, Pope
160-A. Letters
160-A-1. Letter to the Bishops of Tuscany
160-A-2. Letter to Tulianus, Bishop of Grumentum
160-A-3. Letter to Lawrence, Bishop of Civitavecchia
161. Cassiodorus
161-A. Commentary on the Psalms. Psalms 97; 118
162. Liber diurnus
163. Liber pontificalis
164. Synod of Rome (595)
165. Gregory I, Pope
165-A. Letters
Book I: Letters 41, 45
Book II: Letters 31, 35, 38
Book III: Letter 7
Book IV: Letters 9, 18, 26
Book V: Letters 5, 57a, 61
Book VII: Letter 17
Book VIII: Letters 23, 28, 37
Book IX: Letters 26, 148, 209, 220
Book XI: Letters 3, 21, 27, 31, 52, 56
Book XII: Letter 6
Book XIII: Letter 1
Book XIV: Letter 2
Appendix 4
Appendix 9
165-B. Dialogues
165-C. Homilies on the Gospels
Book I: Homily 16
Book II: Homilies 8, 26, 37
166. Oriental Rule
167. Avitus of Vienne
167-A. Letters. Letter 3. To King Gundobad
167-B. Homilies. Homily on the Rogations
168. Caesarius of Arles
168-A. Monastic Rules
168-A-1. Rule for Monks
168-A-2. Rule for Virgins
168-B. Sermons. 1; 6; 12; 13; 16; 19; 33; 50; 55; 64; 67; 72; 73; 74; 75; 76; 78; 80; 86; 130; 136; 147; 156; 170; 179; 187; 188; 192; 196; 197; 199; 207; 208; 209; 229
169. Third Rule of the Fathers
170. Cyprian of Toulon
170-A. Life of Caesarius of Arles
170-B. Letter to Maximus, Bishop of Geneva
171. Aurelian of Arles
171-A. Rule for Monks
171-B. Rule for Virgins
172. Gregory of Tours
172-A. History of the Franks
172-B. Eight Books of Miracles (Octo Miraculorum Libri)
172-B-1. Glory of the Martyrs (In Gloriam Martyrum)
172-B-2. Miracles of Saint Julian (De Virtutibus s. Juliani)
172-B-3. Miracles of Saint Martin (De Virtutibus s. Martini)
172-B-4. Lives of the Fathers (Liber Vitae Patrum)
172-B-5. Glory of the Confessors (De Gloria Confessorum)
173. Venantius Fortunatus
173-A. Life of Queen Radegunde
174. Columbanus
174-A. Rules
174-A-1. Regula Monachorum
174-A-2. Regula Coenobialis
174-B. Penitential
175. Ferreolus of Uzès
175-A. Rule of Ferreolus
176. Synods
176-A. Synod of Agde (506)
176-B. Synod of Orleans I (511)
176-C. Synod of Epaon (517)
176-D. Synod of Lyons II (between 518 and 523)
176-E. Synod of Arles IV (524)
176-F. Synod of Vaison II (529)
176-G. Synod of Orleans II (533)
176-H. Synod of Clermont (535)
176-I. Synod of Orleans III (538)
176-J. Synod of Orleans IV (541)
176-K. Synod of Lyons III (between 567 and 570)
176-L. Synod of Tours II (567)
176-M. Synod of Auxerre (late 6th or early 7th century)
176-N. Synod of Mâcon I (581/583)
176-O. Synod of Lyons IV (583)
176-P. Synod of Mâcon II (585)
176-Q. Synod of Narbonne (589)
177. Inscription. Mainz Baptistery
178. Braulio of Saragossa
178-A. Letters
178-A-1. Letter from Eugene to Braulio
178-A-2. Letter of Braulio to Eugene
179. Martin of Braga
179-A. Capitula Martini
179-B. On Triple Immersion
179-C. On the Pasch
180. Synods
180-A. Synod of Tarragona (516)
180-B. Synod of Gerunda (517)
180-C. Synod of Valence (524)
180-D. Synod of Barcelona I (ca. 540)
180-E. Synod of Lerida (546)
180-F. Synod of Braga I (561)
180-G. Synod of Braga II (572)
180-H. Synod of Toledo III (589)
180-I. Synod of Saragossa II (592)
180-J. Synod of Barcelona II (599)
British Isles
181. Finnian
181-A. Penitential
Chapter XII. Sixth Century. East
182. Synod of Dvin (527)
Asia Minor
183. Theodore Lector
183-A. Church History
184. Eutichius of Constantinople
184-A. Sermon. On the Pasch and on the Eucharist
185. Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite
185-A. The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy
186. Evagrius Scholasticus
186-A. Church History
187. Pseudo-Eusebius of Alexandria
187-A. Homily 16. On the Lord’s Day
188. Canons of Mar Išo’yahb I
189. John Moschus
189-A. The Spiritual Meadow
190. John of Scythopolis
190-A. Scholion on Pseudo-Dionysius
191. Cosmas Indicopleustes
191-A. Christian Topography
192. Louvain Papyrus
193. Manchester Papyrus
Index to Volume Four
Comprehensive Index
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