[en] The Silent Boy: A Sloane Monroe Spinoff Series (Sloane & Maddie, Peril Awaits Book 1) Pixie Publishing
[en] The Shadow Children (Sloane & Maddie, Peril Awaits Book 2) Pixie Publishing
[en] [Christmas Fixes Everything 02] • Glitter Fixes Everything Alex Jane
[en] [Tender Ties Historical 02] • Every Fixed Star WaterBrook
[en] Crockpot Recipes Speedy Publishing Books
[en] To Santa With Love Zebra Books
[en] Afternoon of the Elves Penguin Group (USA)
[en] [Silistra 03] • Wind From the Abyss Bantam
[en] [Jeri Howard Mystery 09] • A Killing At The Track Janet Dawson
[en] [Women of the West 01] • The Calling of Emily Evans Bethany House Publishers
[en] Melancholia
[en] [Gutenberg 46697] • The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 4 (of 4) LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER-ROW.