[fr] [Eugene Tarpon 02] • Que D'os! Gallimard
[en] The Gunman City Lights Publishers
[en] The Prone Gunman City Lights Publishers
[fr] Chroniques Rivages
[fr] La Position Du Tireur Couché Gallimard
[fr] Chroniques Cinéma Editions Rivages
[en] Three to Kill City Lights Publishers
[en] The N'Gustro Affair NYRB Classics
[en] The Mad and the Bad (New York Review Books Classics) NYRB Classics
[en] Ivory Pearl New York Review of Books
[en] The Mad and the Bad NYRB Classics
[es] [Etiqueta Negra 43] • Volver al redil Júcar
[es] [Etiqueta Negra 113] • De balas y bolas Júcar
[es] Caza al asesino
[fr] La Princesse Du Sang Editions Payot & Rivages
[fr] [Eugene Tarpon 01] • Morgue Pleine Gallimard