Found 3960 books

[en] On the Nature of the Universe (Oxford World’s Classics) Oxford University Press

Melville, Ronald & #Don & Fowler, Peta

[en] Aeneid (Oxford World's Classics) Oxford University Press

Ahl, Frederick & Fantham, Elaine

[en] Meditations · With Selected Correspondence (Oxford World's Classics) Oxford University Press

Hard, Robin & Gill, Christopher

[en] The Library of Greek Mythology (Oxford World's Classics) Oxford University Press

Apollodorus & Hard, Robin

[en] Treasure Island (Oxford World’s Classics) Oxford University Press

Stevenson, Robert Louis

[en] Selected Writings (Oxford World's Classics) Oxford University Press

Galilei, Galileo & Shea, William R. & Davie, Mark

[en] Women in the Classical World Oxford University Press, USA

Fantham, Elaine & Foley, Helene Peet & Kampen, Natalie Boymel

[en] Women in the Classical World · Image and Text Oxford University Press, USA

Fantham, Elaine & Foley, Helene Peet & Kampen, Natalie Boymel & Pomeroy, Sarah B. & Shapiro, H.A.