Found 70 books

[en] Chariots of the Gods Berkley Trade

Erich Von Daniken

[en] Reign of the Anunnaki Bear Company

Sigdell, Jan Erik

[en] Christ in Egypt · The Horus-Jesus Connection Stellar House Publishing, LLC

[en] Vico and Plato Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers

Marcus, Nancy Du Bois

[en] Our Cosmic Ancestors Temple Golden Publishing

Chatelain, Maurice

[en] Secrets of Ancient America Bear Company

Lehrburger, Carl

[en] [Gutenberg 1681] • Eryxias Veritatis Splendor Publications

[en] Dictionary of Classical Mythology Oxbow Books Limited

March, Jennifer R.

[en] The Mind of Thucydides Cornell

Jacqueline de Romilly