[en] Deep Reading Baker Academic
[en] Prelude and Promises BWL Publishing Inc.
[en] Playing House NineStar Press, LLC
[en] Sleigh, Bells, Rings Holley Trent
[en] 60 Minute Countdown to the Perfect Wedding Auk Authors
[en] 50 Greatest Wedding Planning Websites Ever! Auk Authors
[en] The Eugenic Mind Project MIT Press
[fr] The Human Rights Treaty Obligations of Peacekeepers Cambridge University Press
[en] Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Clinicians PESI Publishing & Media
[en] The Certainty of Uncertainty Imprint Academic
[en] The Footprints of God Pocket Star
[en] Bearing God's Name IVP Academic
[en] [Hacking Exposed 01] • Hacking Exposed · Industrial Control Systems McGraw-Hill Education
[en] Introduction to Aboriginal Health and Health Care in Canada · Bridging Health and Healing Springer Publishing Company
[en] [The King's Blades 11] • The Ethical Swordsman Five Rivers Chapmanry