[en] Summer of '46
[de] Aufschrei · 30 Anstöße für eine mutigere Welt Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
[en] The Alpha Centauri Project (Thinking worlds) Smashwords Edition
[en] [Reawakening Saga 03] • Broken Mage Amazon Digital Services
[nl] Bannelingen van Coriolis Smashwords Edition
[en] Free Houses in Japan Anton in Japan Media
[nl] Het vervloekte goud van Atlantis Smashwords
[en] The Cowboy Wanted For Murder (Mail Order Bride) Leah White
[en] The Cowboy's Impoverished Bride (Mail Order Bride) Leah White
[en] The Cowboy Bride's Jealous Rival (Mail Order Bride) Leah White
[en] [Loon Lake Magic 0.5] • Blasted Bloomers Loon Lake
[en] Carnage at the Christmas Party Independently published
[en] [Lacey Hannigan Trilogy 01] • Growl CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] [Into the End 01] • Into the End Smashword
[en] The Boy from the County Hell CSM Publishing
[en] One False Step J.S. Mawdsley
[en] The Son of Man EEBO Editions, ProQuest