[nl] [Gutenberg 29490] • De dood van Sherlock Holmes — De terugkeer van Sherlock Holmes Quality Classics
[en] [Sherlock Holmes 04] • Sherlock Holmes and The Sword of Osman MX Publishing
[en] [Sherlock Holmes 05] • Sherlock Holmes and The Nine-Dragon Sigil MX Publishing
[en] [Sherlock Holmes 01] • Sherlock Holmes and the Plague of Dracula MX Publishing
[en] [Sherlock Holmes 01] • Sherlock Holmes and the Dead Boer at Scotney Castle MX Publishing
[en] [Sherlock Holmes 02] • Sherlock Holmes and The Case of The Bulgarian Codex MX Publishing
[en] [Sebastian McCabe-Jeff Cody 02] • Holmes Sweet Holmes MX Publishing
[en] [Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine 06] • Sherlock Holmes Mystery 6 Wildside Press