[en] [The Pandora Sequence 01] • The Pandora Sequence Smashwords Edition
[en] [[Destination Void 02] • The Pandora Sequence WordFire Press
[en] [The Yalta Boulevard Sequence 01] • The Bridge of Sighs Minotaur Books
[en] [The Yalta Boulevard Sequence 03] • 36 Yalta Boulevard Minotaur Books
[en] City of the Falling Sky Joseph Evans
[en] The Genealogical Adam and Eve IVP Academic
[en] Promising Hope Emily Ann Ward
[en] Clay Nash 9 Piccadilly
[en] Clay Nash 18 Piccadilly Publishing
[en] Clay Nash 19 Piccadilly Publishing
[en] Clay Nash 21 Piccadilly Publishing
[en] Clay Nash 11 Piccadilly Publishing
[en] Clay Nash 17 Piccadilly Publishing
[en] Cremate or Bury, What Saith the Bible? By Piet Wilsenach Smashwords Edition
[en] Them and Us Kardoorair Press