[en] Agent Breaker: Federal Paranormal Unit (Otherworld Agents Book 2) MT Worlds Press
[en] The Playboy God (Gods of Olympus Book 7) Erin Hayes Books
[en] [Circle Trilogy 02] • Nora Roberts - Circle Trilogy - 2 Jove Books
[en] Campione 15
[en] Campione 09
[en] Richard S. Shaver
[en] [The Fall of Ile-Rien 03] • Martha Wells - Fall of Ile-Rien 03 Harper Voyager
[en] [Nemesis of the Gods 01] • Wrath of the Gods Lyrical Underground
[en] Campione 13
[en] Conversations with Lorraine Hansberry UP of Mississippi
[en] Theory and Reality · an Introduction to the Philosophy of Science University of Chicago Press
[en] The Meaning of Shakespeare University of Chicago Press
[en] Blind Injustice University of California Press