[en] The Wisdom of Ananda Coomaraswamy World Wisdom
[en] Prince Ventar of Trun A K Lambert
[en] Princess Grace of Earth A K Lambert
[en] The Journey Home A K Lambert
[en] Planet of the Remaining A K Lambert
[en] Princess Grace of Earth A K Lambert
[en] The Journey Home A K Lambert
[en] Prince Ventar of Trun A K Lambert
[en] The Andalite Chronicles Scholastic Inc.
[en] Eventually Blake A. K. Steel
[en] The Wisdom of Ananda Coomaraswamy World Wisdom Books
[en] The Trouble with Post-Blackness Columbia University Press
[cs] [Harry Potter 06] • Harry Potter a Princ Dvojí Krve Scholastic Inc.
[cs] [Harry Potter 03] • Harry Potter a Vězeň Z Azkabanu Scholastic Inc.
[cs] [Harry Potter 04] • Harry Potter a Ohnivý Pohár Scholastic
[cz] [Harry Potter 05] • Harry Potter a Fénixův Řád Scholastic Inc.
[cs] [Harry Potter 08] • Harry Potter a Prokleté dítě Albatros
[fr] [Harry Potter 01] • Harry Potter a L'Ecole Des Sorciers Scholastic Inc
[nl] A Caress of Twilight Random House, Inc.