[en] [The Pendragon Cycle 01] • Taliesin Lion Fiction
[en] [The Pendragon Cycle 02] • Merlin Lion Hudson plc
[es] [Super Terror 20] • Las mejores historias de terror VI ePubLibre
[en] [The Song of Albion 01] • The Paradise War Lion Hudson plc
[es] [King Raven 01] • Trilogía del Rey Cuervo Westbow Pr
[en] The Brotherhoods Scribner
[en] [Agent Kay Hamilton 01] • Rosarito Beach Penguin
[en] Dream Thief Lawhead Books
[en] Dream Thief Lawhead Books
[en] [The Pendragon Cycle 03] • Pendragon Cycle #03 - Arthur Zondervan
[en] [King Raven 03] • King Raven Trilogy - 03 - Tuck Thomas Nelson Inc
[en] [King Raven 01] • King Raven Trilogy - 01 - Hood Thomas Nelson
[en] [The Celtic Crusades 03] • The Mystic Rose Voyager
[en] Transgressions · Volume 2 Forge Books
[en] [King Raven 03] • Tuck Thomas Nelson Inc
[en] Agents of Treachery Vintage Crime/Black Lizard
[pt] [The Dragon King 02] • Os Guerreiros De Nin Saída de Emergência