[it] Come Muoiono Le Democrazie Editori Laterza
[pt] Como as Democracias Morrem Zahar
[en] Dreaming in Public · Building the Occupy Movement New Internationalist Publications Ltd
[en] How Democracies Die · What History Reveals About Our Future Crown Publishing Group (NY)
[en] How Democracies Die Crown Publishing Group (NY)
[de] Wie Demokratien sterben · Und was wir dagegen tun können Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt
[en] The World in Six Songs Penguin Books Ltd
[es] La mentira como arma Alianza Editorial
[en] The Autobiography of Alexander Luria · A Dialogue With the Making of Mind Psychology Press
[en] This is Your Brain on Music Dutton Adult
[es] Dos Chicos Besándose V&R Editoras
[en] Blind Spots Berkley Books