Found 63 books

[en] Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press

Wilde, Oscar & Frankel, Nicholas

[en] Our House in the Last World Grand Central Publishing

Hijuelos, Oscar

[en] Mr. Ives' Christmas Grand Central Publishing

Hijuelos, Oscar

[es] Historia de las ideas en la Argentina Siglo Veintiuno Editores

[en] O Retrato De Dorian Gray Random House: Modern Library

[en] The Picture of Dorian Grey Random House: Modern Library

[en] Het Portret Van Dorian Gray Random House: Modern Library

[en] The Wisdom of Oscar Wilde Audible Studios on Brilliance Audio

[pt] O Retrato De Dorian Gray Penguin - Companhia das Letras

[es] Teleny ePubLibre

[es] El Príncipe Feliz Y Otros Cuentos Editores Mexicanos Unidos