Found 42 books

[fr] De la beauté Gallimard

[en] Intimations, Six Essays Penguin Books

[pt] NW Hamish Hamilton

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[en] The Measure of Our Lives, A Gathering of Wisdom Knopf Publishing Group

Zadie Smith & Morrison, Toni

[en] Stop What You’re Doing and Read This! Vintage Books

Callil, Carmen & Barzillai, Mirit & Carr, Nicholas & Davis, Jane & Haddon, Mark & Morrison, Blake & Winterson, Jeanette & Parks, Tim & Wolf, Maryanne & Rosen, Michael & Smith, Zadie

[de] London NW Kiepenheuer & Witsch Verlag

[en] The Book of Other People Penguin Group

[hu] A szépségről Európa

[de] Swing Time Kiepenheuer & Witsch eBook

[es] Sobre La Belleza Quinteto

[en] Swing Time Penguin Press

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[it] Swing Time Hamish Hamilton

[it] Della Bellezza Edizioni Mondadori