[fr] Présumée coupable Table ronde
[fr] L’imprevist cas del noi a la peixera Fanbooks
[en] How the West Stole Democracy from the Arabs Grove Atlantic
[en] This Wicked Kingdom Elena Thompson
[en] The Wartime Book Club Forever
[de] Kalt ist die Nacht (Fischer Taschenbücher) FISCHER Digital
[en] The Disastrous Mrs. Weldon Broadway Books
[es] 1280 almas Mulholland Books
[en] [Fiction 01] • Tomo Stone Bridge Press
[en] [Weddings by Design 04] • A Bouquet of Love Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] [Cliffside Bay 06] • Missed · Rafael & Lisa 4Kids5Cats
[en] [Harlequin Romantic Suspense 1776] • The Colton Heir Harlequin
[it] Vibranti atmosfere Harlequin Mondadori