Found 51 books

[en] Architecture of Middle Georgia University of Georgia Press

[en] New Perspectives on James Weldon Johnson's "The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man" University of Georgia Press

Morrissette, Noelle & Oliver, Lawrence & Nowlin, Michael

[en] Politics of the Encounter University of Georgia Press

Merrifield, Andy

[en] What Persists University of Georgia Press

Kitchen, Judith & Corey, Stephen

[en] Gravity's Rainbow, Domination, and Freedom University of Georgia Press

Herman, Luc & Weisenburger, Steven

[en] Tom's Angel Linda George/George Enterprises

[en] [Kiss Me 01] • Kiss Me, Chloe George Enterprises

[en] Achtung Panzer! (CASSELL MILITARY PAPERBACKS) George Weidenfeld & Nicholson

Guderian, Heinz

[en] Careers in International Affairs Georgetown University Press

Carland, Maria Pinto

[en] One Bullet Away · the Making of a Marine Officer George Weidenfeld & Nicholson

Fick, Nathaniel

[en] Alone Atop the Hill University of Georgia Press

Booker, Carol McCabe

[en] The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary University of Georgia Press

Bierce, Ambrose

[en] Borges's Poe University of Georgia Press

Esplin, Emron & Smith, Jon & Richardson, Riche

[en] Desiree George Weidenfeld & Nicholson

Selinko, Annemarie

[en] [Gutenberg 63621] • My "Little Bit" New York, George H. Doran company

Corelli, Marie

[en] [Gutenberg 36682] • Fore! George H. Doran Co.

Loan, Charles E. Van