[pt] Uma Longa Viagem Planeta do Brasil
[pt] Nunca Houve Um Homem Como Heleno Zahar
[pt] Minhas Queridas Rocco
[pt] A Erva Amarga Record
[en] Country House Society Amberley
[en] First World War Britain Shire
[it] Manifesti E Altri Documenti Politici (21 Gennaio - 31 Dicembre 1921) Forgotten Books
[en] The Best Songs of 1920 (The Best Songs of All Time) Lulu.com
[pt] Modigliani Gallimard Education
[en] [Osprey Men at Arms 497] • Armies of the Russo-Polish War 1919-21 Osprey Publishing
[en] Sweet Mercy Bethany House Publishers
[sv] Nätterna på Winterfeldtplatz Wahlström & Widstrand
[en] Sugar House (9780991192519) Jean Scheffler
[da] [Coughlin 02] • Lev om natten Klim
[sv] Nätterna på Winterfeldtplatz Wahlström och Widstrand
[en] [Gutenberg 64549] • My Arctic journal · a year among ice-fields and Eskimos Cooper Square Press