[fr] Le Carnet d'or Albin Michel
[de] Das Summen unter der Haut Insel Verlag
[pt] Os casos especiais Cepe Editora
[en] Water Damage Vivian McInerny
[pt] Tolkien e a Grande Guerra HarperCollins Brasil
[en] Present at the creation; my years in the State Department New York, Norton
[hu] Este a paradicsomban Jelenkor Kiadó Kft.
[pt] Os casos especiais Cepe Editora
[de] Die Krumpflinge - Egon wünscht krumpfgute Weihnachten d-cbj HC
[en] [Coleridge Taylor Mystery 02] • Drop Dead Punk Camel Press
[en] Fields of Fire Prentice-Hall, Inc.
[en] The Village of Gerard's Cliff R. E. Vick
[en] Uncle Anton's Atomic Bomb Camel Press
[en] Childish Things Dutton Books
[en] The Brat Moves In
[fr] La Quete De La Sainte Grille opta
[it] Dall'illuminismo Alla Rivoluzione Gangemi
[pt] Poesia E Pensamento Em Hölderlin E Heidegger SciELO - Editora UNESP
[en] Hollywood Rat Race New York : Four Walls Eight Windows