[en] The Peppermint Pig Puffin
[en] A No-Sneeze Pet Capstone
[en] Word of Mouse jimmy patterson
[en] Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry · Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Guineas, Game Birds Storey Publishing, LLC
[it] Che Cosa Ti Aspetti Da Me? Rizzoli
[en] [Gutenberg 24731] • The Tale of Grunty Pig / Slumber-Town Tales Wildside Press
[en] My Best Friend Is a Goldfish Carolrhoda Books
[en] [Enchanted Forest 02] • Searching for Dragons HMH Books for Young Readers
[en] [Enchanted Forest Chronicles 04] • Talking to dragons HMH Books for Young Readers
[en] [Little Books 01] • Little Oink Chronicle Books LLC
[en] [Nanny Piggins 03] • Nanny Piggins and the Runaway Lion Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
[en] Vet Volunteers 16: Treading Water Penguin
[en] [Duck & Goose 01] • Duck and Goose Schwartz & Wade
[en] [The Rescue Princesses 03] • The Moonlight Mystery Scholastic Paperbacks
[en] Past Lives With Pets Llewellyn Publications