[en] On My Country and the World ColumbiaUP
[en] The Freedom Swimmers Tony Chin
[en] Marxism, China & development : reflections on theory and reality New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A. : Transaction Publishers
[en] The Dispossessed, Karl Marx's Debates on Wood Theft and the Right of the Poor University of Minnesota Press
[en] Unlearning Marx: Why the Soviet Failure Was a Triumph for Marx Zero Books
[en] Total Propaganda Dundurn Press
[en] Opening the Red Door InterVarsity Press
[en] Stalin's Letters to Molotov: 1925-1936 Yale University Press
[de] Ein Prolet Erzählt · Lebensschilderung Eines Deutschen Arbeiters Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag
[en] Super Extra Grande Restless Books
[en] [Cold War 1945] • Somalia Pen & Sword Military
[en] Incontinence of the Void The MIT Press
[en] The Nazi Hydra in America Progressive Press
[en] Love and Science Seven Stories Press
[en] Face of the New Peoples Army of the Philippines, Volume One Cordillera Smashwords Edition
[en] Introducing Marx: A Graphic Guide Icon Books Ltd
[en] The Socialist Party of America Potomac Books